What's on your menu today (Tuesday) RNYers?
Good morning! The weekend was pretty good, though I could have used another day or two or 20. I took my family to a hockey game yesterday and we had a blast. The crowd was rockin' and it was a party. I had a few pieces of licorice, but otherwise stuck with my protein bar and a coffee (and a bottle of water I may have smuggled into the game). I just can't buy a bottle of water for $3.50, the same one that you'd buy for a buck at the dollar store or drink for FREE at home. For average snacks, one could easily spend $60 there for a family of 4. I'll buy a coffee for $2 and maybe some popcorn for the kids, but those places fleece ya!
Menu: B: Protein bar and my coffee
MS: shake, same as AS
L: Protein bar, coffee
S: Chili
Not what I planned, but I was in a rush this morning. I don't mind these menu days, they are more processed than I'd like but they are bang on for nutrients and calories. I'll take that at least.
QOTD: I drum a lot in my free time, refinish drums or do sudoku puzzle books like a fiend. I buy them at the supermarket, rip out the easy-medium-hard ones and give them to my daughter (also a number person) and I do the "evil" ones just to torture myself while watching tv at night. My wife and I like to go for drives and cruise car lots and talk about what ones we like. We're not in the market, so we likely drive the dealers nuts LOL. This weekend my wife brought up getting a gym membership at the local gym. We both will get one, so we can go work out together. I'm really hoping that takes off, as I've been thinking about getting back there lately. My home workouts are fine but, I don't have all the gear they have.
Hi All -
dreary rainy day, but I suppose I should motivate and head off to work soon. I'll likely spend my first couple of hours working remotely in a coffee shop. i love being able to do that!! DH is bringing some Swedish exchange students back to Madison with him after work (he works at a university about 50 miles from here). They're attending some kind of conference here for the next couple of days, so we may have some dinners out with them. Really looking forward to it!
QOTD: I seem to spend a lot of my time online on OH or on news sites, like the Washington Post or CNN. I used to spend a lot of time on Facebook, but now it's more like 20 or so minutes a day. Sometimes I read, and I'm pushing myself to read more (joined a book discussion group a few months ago to force myself - love it - they read great books!). I hang out in coffee shops a lot, but even at those, I'm reading the paper or online. I spend a lot of time at my yoga studio, either taking classes (I take about four classes a week), or hanging out in the cafe there drinking coffee (and...being online) (are you picking up a pattern here? I hate that I'm online so much!). We used to take a big (often international) trip a couple times a year, but we haven't done that in a long time - but we sometimes go to Milwaukee for the day or Chicago for the weekend. We both love cities. Oh - and I'm on the board of two organizations, so I do a lot for them, too. Especially this one where I currently hold three board positions. Yikes!
2 years 8 months out:
B: Greek yogurt with 1 T tahini
MS: coffee with half & half, protein/Miralax shake
L: 1 C cottage cheese
AS: piece of protein pumpkin pie if I'm home, or 2 T peanut butter with celery sticks if I'm at work
D: if home, then turkey taco meat with lettuce, tomato, salsa, and plain Greek yogurt. If I'm not, then something protein forward
Good morning menu friends! Lily and I got our 4 miles in already this am without getting the least bit wet.. Yesterday we got soaked. Tomorrow is supposed to be 20 degrees colder. I will do another mile after supper and before food pantry. QOTD hubby and I go antiquing,to cowboy shooting contests,do maintenance at our church and run the local food pantry. We are just starting mission trips with a group of other retired folks with RVs and will be going to LaBlanc,La for three weeks to work getting a church amp ready for the summer. They provide power,water and sewer for our RV and we provide the labor. Then on the way home we're stopping for another 3 weeks in Eva,Tennesee to do the same thing. Accountability yesterday was good. Post op 5 years 5.75 months and weight at 119 today. Heres the food plan B 1/2 c steel cut oats with protein and peanut butter added L 1 c chili with cheese D 4 oz pork patty 1/2 c sliced tomatoes S 5 oz cottage cheese with 1 T no sugar added blackberry jam. Have a great day everyone and make smart and conscious choices. Now to find some coffee!
It was 68 when I woke up this morning... it's now 35 and pouring down rain. I watched the thermometer in my car drop from the 50's to the 30's on my drive in A chance of ice tonight and into tomorrow. Crazy weather here too.
QOTD: It seems like I'm stuck on the wash/rinse/repeat with my life lately. I don't do anything, it seems, after work... well I do. I cook dinner, eat dinner, prep meals, clean up, and by the time I want to sit down it's after 8, and I'm exhausted. I need to fix this, just hate this time of the year when it's dark out so early! I'm definitely stuck in a rut, and I don't like it one bit!
Accountability: Did pretty good yesterday, but I did buy a small can of these Old Bay seasoned snack mix... nuts and some sesame sticks... total carb count per serving is 7/ calories 160. I shouldn't have bought it, because now it will call my name for days until it's all gone. I also had a grande quad skinny latte from Starbucks at lunch... calories calories calories... Boo hiss
B: I've had my coffee (I have 32 ounces of decaf every morning, although I don't always type it out here) I'll have 3.5 ounces of a grilled pork chop in a few minutes before my first meeting of the day.
L: I have chicken crack/pulled pork/and some other meat (maybe chicken?) in the freezer all measured out. I'll have one of those
D: Running a friend's granddaughter to her dance class so I'll be taking her to eat afterwards.... not sure yet what's around that area.
Rain Rain (oh how we need you) hurry up and do your job and get out of here and let the sun shine again!! We are in a drought, so I KNOW we need this wet stuff, but it's depressing and cold here.

Height 5'5" HW 260 SW 251 CW 141.6 (2/27/18)
RNY 5-16-16 Pre-Op 9lbs, M1-18.5lbs, M2-18.1lbs, M3-14.8lbs, M4-10.4lbs, M5-9.2lbs, M6-7lbs, M7-6.2lbs, M8-8.8lbs,M9-7.8lbs, M10-1 lb, M11-.6lbs, M12-4.4lbs
Good Morning!
Rain rain and more rain today. The radio had suggested a new Olympic Sport today. Puddle jumping. I think I would have gotten silver at least on the way to work! LOL
Accountability: I went to the gym-class was full so I did my own thing. Eating wise? I went off the rails. SIGH. Nothing that was terrible, just too much of it. Thankfully there is NOTHING in my house that is junky. but I did manage to eat some saltines (Since tossed in the garbage) a protein bar, 2 sugar free popsicles, half a Costco all beef wiener, and I think that was it? Who knows. I was like a bottomless pit last night. But today is a new day!
QOTD: I feel like I'm always working lately. But when I'm not? I like to flake out and rest, or I'll do some day trips and adventures. it depends on how busy the week was and how busy the month will be. For example last weekend I had Sunday off and laid low. This weekend I have Sunday off and am hitting the open road with a few of my girlfriends for a day trip. Aside from that I love listening to music, painting my nails-I'm trying to master nail art. So far? I've mastered how to take off the polish using only a small drop of nail polish remover and 2 cotton balls-hahahahaha, watching TV, reading.
Breakfast: Tea with Premier protein as creamer and restorolax
Snack: Skyr Greek yogurt with Coffee Crisp protein powder and flax seed.
Lunch: Chicken and broccoli slaw fried up with soy sauce
Snack: Sugar free jello pudding cup
Supper: pork Loin has been taken out. Not sure how I'm going to cook it. I find it dry, but I am trying to use what's in the freezer and this was it today!
Snack: TBD. But I will NOT eat the bounty protein bar that my friend so generously gave me. I brought that to work and it's going to stay here!!
Tonight: Quick treadmill session at the gym, then getting my hair coloured. No more grey! WOO HOO!
Hope everyone has a great day! For those with the rain? Stay dry!
RNY January 2015
HW-365 CW-185 GW-160
"Beauty is found within."
Have to cheer for no more grey! When I lost my weight I gained wrinkles and now I feel like I look older than my age(58). Now I'm obsessive about keeping my hair colored so much so that I do it at home because being on a fixed income we couldn't really afford salon prices every 6 weeks. I can't afford plastics but at least I can keep my hair looking young!
Good Morning Daisy and Menu Family!
Welcome back, Daisy! I'm glad you had a nice 4-day weekend!
QOTD: I like to spend time with my daughter and our pets, (2 dogs and 2 pet pigeons). I try to take Blossom for a walk nearly every day, weather permitting. I have a lot of houseplants and in the summer some outdoor flowers that I enjoy tending to. I love going horseback riding and wish I could afford a horse of my own or afford to go riding every week! I like to read and do arts and crafts. I do watercolors, drawing and other artwork. I am taking a beginning crochet class that starts tonight at the community college. I like to check out our local dollar auction for bargains and browse on the computer. I sell some things on eBay.
Accountability: Yesterday: Protein - 96, Calories - 1,199, Carbs - 135.
B: prosciutto & mozzarella sticks, light & fit Greek yogurt
L: ham & cheese sandwich on 45 calorie bread
D: chicken enchilada suiza
S: prosciutto & mozzarella sticks, light & fit Greek yogurt, banana, 2 Atkin's peanut butter cups
E: cold today so exercise bike?
Have a WONDERFUL day everyone!
~ Karen

Good Morning!
QOTD: I like to scrapbook but I was going through some not so good times about a year and half ago and I lost my drive to do that. It used to be social media for sure as well! LOL! But since I deactivated my FB account last year that's out. And I really haven't missed it a bit. I do still have instagram though. To keep up with my kids and their stuff. We LOVE to camp and hike in the N. Georgia Mountains, fishing too. I think my free time right now though is spent driving all over the state to watch my son's band stuff or my daughter's winter guard stuff.
B: Premier Shake
S: babybel cheese and a peach
L: Turkey taco lettuce wraps (I'm trying lettuce a couple days early. They said 12 weeks post op..Tomorrow is 12..I had it last night for dinner and was good)
D: The leftovers from the weekend we didn't eat last night b/c I wanted tacos!
Hope everyone has a wonderful day!
Highest Weight: 315, Day Of Surgery: 291.5 CW 184
Hi all! Last night was ladies book study and the one who was scheduled for snacks was sick. So the church kitchen was raided and there was nothing but junk, so thankfully didn't eat any of that!
QOTD: love to browse consignment shops and thrift stores, driving to places we've never been to before, reading, puttering in yard, fishing.
Haven't gone to grocery store yet, so choices today are not the best, way too many carbs, but planning on staying within calorie goal. Everything logged into app.
Have a great Tuesday!

Surgery 05-08-18 hw 317, consult wt 278, surgery weight 252. M1 -20, M2-5, M3-8, M4-6
Hello menu peeps,
Moving slow today. Trying to get my coffee and water down before I eat breakfast.
Qotd I go to the plasma center twice a week. Taking my friend that doesn't drive to places. Visiting friends and family. Spend a lot of time listening to the tv while on my iPad. Getting my steps in every hour. Exercising 5 days a week. Try to read. When the weather is better, I go bike riding. Attend church and bible study every week.
B ham and cheese omelette and string cheese
L tuna, cottage cheese and cuties orange
D keto lasagna
Have a good day