Meeting the Surgeon Tomorrow!! (Guelph)
Hey everyone! I've been lurking for a few days and finally decided to introduce myself. My name is Jenna-Lee from Windsor, Ontario. I started my journey in April 2017 with my referral, Orientation July 2017, Nurse consult September 2017, got my 3 approvals by the beginning of January. Surgical class was on January 22, Guelph called me Monday January 29th with my appointment to meet the surgeon on February 2nd. Whew that was a lot lol. I'm meeting Natasha Pereira-Hong at 1030am, guys I'm not gonna lie I'm so nervous lol, I've heard really good thing about her but I'm just not sure what to expect. I really just don't want to be turned away. I feel prepare but any advise would be appreciated.
Hi Jenna Lee, welcome.
I'm so excited for you; you're at the start of an amazing journey. I had my surgery at St. Joe's in Toronto a year ago yesterday, so don't know anything about Guelph, sorry. At my meet the surgeon meeting last year, the surgeon gave me info about the surgery, about recovery, and then he introduced me to his team and I met with each of them. They gave me hand outs and a folder so I didn't have to write anything down, but it may be different in Guelph.
Pre-Op Visit: Jan. 10, 2017, weight 304, surgeon: Dr. David Lindsay, St. Joe's, Toronto
1st Day of (3 weeks worth of) Optifast: Jan. 11, 2017
Surgery Date: Feb. 1st, 2017