Lost another 5 lbs.
Well I have completed all my insurance requirements. The only thing now is an appointment with my surgeons nutritionist. That appointment is scheduled for February 22. Once that is done I wait for a surgery date.
I weighed in at my last appointment with the Weightloss clinic and discovered I lost another 5 lbs. I would really like to lose another ten to fifteen pounds before I have my nut appointment. Wish me luck!

I met my surgeon last year and started jumping thru the insurance requirements. I have done over 6 months of nutrition and weight loss counseling had my EKG done twice. had my endoscopy done, I tested positive for H.Pylori and have completed my antibiotics, had my psyche evaluation done and turned in my food log. Now all that's left is to do the nutrition evaluation at the Bariatric center( which is 100 miles away). Once that is done the bariatric center will turn everything into the insurance company and I await my surgery date! So I'm thinking my date will be in March or April. Keeping my fingers crossed and gonna continue working on my weight loss!