First time member, Need help with some information please.
So I got a phone call from my insurance company which is ( Molina) she said I had been approved for bariatric, which caught me off guard,so I was like wait what's that,she stated that my doctor sent a paper work for gastric bypass and that Next week I'd have a consultation, I have done all the labs,test, ekg,etc. Been on a weight loss pill that hasn't helped, I'm curious how long does it take after consultation,to schedule the surgery?
Thank you for any help.
Little overwhelmed,didn't think ID get approved.
on 1/12/18 1:33 am
There is no real way to know how quickly the process will go. There are multiple factors, including whether your surgeon's practice requires you to lose weight before surgery and what all of your tests show in terms of your health. I was green-lighted almost immediately after going to all of the required appointments, but there are others who have had very long waits.
But on a related note, I am concerned that this sounds like you are being pushed into something you don't have a lot of information or comfort with. This surgery is a BIG deal and is something you should very educated about before you decide yes or no.
I would spend a lot of time on this site and others, reading through the great, the good, the bad, and the ugly, to decide whether you are ready to make this lifetime commitment. Go to as many in-person support groups as you can, and ask all of your questions. And try adopting some of the post op lifestyle changes that you will have to take on, like never drinking with meals, taking tiny bites and waiting a minute between bites, and trying out some protein shakes.
On this website, there is a little box at the top of the page where you can type in your questions and see what other people have asked and experienced. And please come to ask your own questions, too!
Best of luck!
It is impossible to know how long it will take, because it is dependent on the surgeon's and Molina's requirements. It also depends on you, and how quickly you progress through the requirements, your compliance to the programs and your commitment. Call Molina and find out what their program requires.
I was a little confused about your post. Did you request that your doctor submit the request for surgery, or did s/he do it without your knowledge? If it is the later, you need to do some work and decide if this is what you want, and you really have to want it bad. This is a life changing decision, and will require a lifetime change on your part to be successful long term. It is not something that someone else should make for you.
Read through this site. There is great information on it, and you will see the experiences of people at all stages, from pre-op to long time vets that have been there, done that and seen it all. You will learn from all of them.
Good luck and visit here often.

Height: 5'7". HW: 299, Program starting weight: 290, SW: 238, CW 138 - 12 pounds under goal!
Sorry for the confusion, I went to see my Doctor in October just seeking possible help with weight loss, he had suggested surgery and I had agreed . So he had sent paper work to my insurance, and also sent me to do all the lab work, ekg, . Yesterday I had received a call from my insurance( molina ), she had told me I had been approved for bariatric that I will be getting a phone call from a case management to do a consultation next weds.
Today I received a letter from my insurance.stating molina health care approval for stage two Bariatric program.
States I need to see a dietitian, physical therapist, psychologist. All 12 times before June 19,2018.
Also say I need to lose 5% body weight. Which is 13.6 pounds.
I have a gym membership, have been documenting my food intake, and doing a lot of research about gastric bypass, also have family members and friends who have done gastric, so there is a lot of support... And I just like to hear other people's experience and how the process went for them if it was slow,or went went quicker then expect.
I just was really in shock I had been approved, I didn't write my message clearly.
Thank you
I had a gastric bypass 9/2016 theough CHPW. It took a year from when my PCP referred me for bariatric surgery to when I actually had surgery. I had to have documentarion of 12 dietician visits showing I had tried to lose weight, I had to have a psychiatric evaluation, see a nutritionist, provide at least 6 months of records, and lose 5% of my body weight, which was 14 pounds. Sounds like your process is pretty much the same. You do have to be careful to take the steps in order. I had an upper GI test for a kind pf bacteria in my stomach, and it had to be done again because it was done out of order. Labs might have to be done again if the process takes too long. Make sure you keep very good records... i had a binder and kept all of my bloodwork, records, doctor and dietician visits. I read a LOT on this site. There is great informarion here. Make sure you know what you are getting into here. It is a lifelong commitment. Ask questions, lot of people here who want you to be successful. I listened to what vets said, and I think it helped me to lose weight.
And congratulations! It is an exciting journey!