optifast and back pain??
Hi Im having my gastric on january 17 and I am so excited to begin my new journey. I have started the optifast 900 I am on day 4 and have suddently experienced so much lower back pain. I have never had pain like this since starting optifast I am in the bathroom alot. But the back pain started yeaterday and hasn't gone away. Is it just me? Or has anyone had the same issue. I was readimg about gallstones not sure if I should go get checked. Any advice or help is appreciated. Thx
Sugar withdrawal can cause flu like symptoms, migraines, and joint pain. I have chronic back pain, but when I started Opti....omg. My back had been KILLING me. I?m also having headaches every day no matter how much water I drink. Opti is also known to send you to the bathroom a lot and even cause diarrhea

Referral: June 2017
RNY with Dr. Neville in Ottawa: January 8th, 2018
Late to this and new member here. I am on day 6 of Optifast prior to my gastric bypass surgery. On day 4 I also woke up with lower back pain. I have had it since. Not sure if this is normal either. I get my surgery on December, 13th, 2023. I'm to have Optifast 4x daily, and water. No food whatsoever ugh. It has been rough but I am doing it!! The pain sits on my tailbone even. Almost feel injured on my lower back but I haven't done anything to cause such discomfort besides this Optifast. ?
I actually had a similar experience where I started feeling really intense lower back pain out of nowhere. It was during a time when I was making a big health change and it caught me off guard. Like you, I was unsure if it was related to my diet changes or something else. It was really uncomfortable, and nothing I did at home seemed to help much.
That's when I decided to see a physiotherapist. I found this great place online, https://purelifephysiotherapy.ca/, and decided to book an appointment. When I went in, I met with a physio named Justin. He was super understanding and started me on some gentle exercises and stretches that were aimed at easing the back pain. He also gave me some really useful tips on how to adjust my posture and ways to sit that could help prevent the pain from getting worse. Slowly but surely, my back started feeling a lot better.