3 month Post Op visit.
Dorthy, Cherish the time you had with your Mom. While you have the precious memories take time to write them down now.. encourage your siblings to do the same and combine them to pass on to all your children.
Be sure to pass on the stories she told you, the funnny things she may have told you about when she was growing up.. the tidbits about how they lived. and hang on to any letters she wrote to you... hard to read now, but in time these letters will be a reminder of where you were when she wrote them and of her cheering you on. Take the time you need to grieve. There is no right way, but not handling it , can have long term consequences. Give yourself the same permissions your Mom would have wanted you to have. ..The right and ability to start when you fall down...the right to be happy.
I lost my Mom after 19 months of in home skilled nursing care, we did transisition to hospice for both parents about 7 months before Mom died.It is a wonderful thing to have the supportive supplies and nurses and cna's come in to assist.Mom was s/p a severe stroke and cardiacfailure complications.Dad had alzheimers and responded to citicholine therapy daily. I lost him 6 months later( he was bedbound for 7 months completely as well. for the last several monhs he knew who I was and told me he loved me every night as I tucked him in with a blanket heated in the dryer.) I had my hands full...and more. My brother was driving OTR, and could not be there but passed thru and called me for updates and to support me 3 or more times daily...My husband was a rock, helping where ever needed from repairing the sink to scrubbing the floor.
There is just no good time to loose andy one that is supportive. If we lived to 120 and had all supportive ones we would still not be ready to give them up. When we have done all we can, we let go and be at peace...
Thank you for the good ideas on remembering my mother. It was really hard not having her on Christmas. Sorry you lost your parents also. It's never easy. Prayers to you for continued strength. I hope you had a Merry Christmas and hope you have a Happy New Year.

Wow, So sorry for your loss!
I totally know how this is, one year ago, my dad passed away Nov 7th and mom passed the following Dec 2nd, less than 30 days later. I am in shock that one year has passed. I ended up gaining 20 pounds this past year, but now starting my journey in their honor.
Congratulations for your amazing success, May you be blessed and have everlasting peace during this
difficult time.
Joy aka joyfullness
Thank You. Sorry you lost your parents so close together last year. My prayers are with you for continued strength. I hope you had a Merry Christmas, hope you have a Happy New Year.

I went yesterday to the Surgeon for my 3 month post op appointment. He said he is happy with my weight loss. I have lost 108 all together and 68 since surgery. My labs looked mostly good. A1C is normal still, He dropped me down to 1 500mg of Metformin 2 times a day. I was on 2 twice a day. My Iron is low already knew I was anemic. So I need to take more iron. My vitamin D level is low so I have to take extra 5000 IU's a day. Dietiatian wants me to Drink more than 64 oz. of water a day. She said my urine should me lighter yellow then it is. She said I may be one of those people who need more fluids in.
I was worried my Surgeon would be unhappy with my progress. My family has been majorly stressed out since Thanksgiving. Thanksgiving night my mom went in to the hospital with stroke like conditions. She had a blood clot in the rear left side of her brain. That section of brain it affected controlled breathing. She was on ventilator and sedated. 4 days later they turned the sedation off. She would open her eyes off and on because the sedation was building up in her system it took an few days to ware off. They started to wean her from the Ventilator. On December 2nd they took her off ventilator completely. We already knew she was not going to make it and was getting ready for Hospice care. She was able to speak quietly after the vent was taking out. We explained to her what had happened. She understood. She told us she loved us and was sorry. We told her don't be sorry. We all were there but 2 of my brothers who could not make it. She knew we loved her and we made sure of it. Later that day she went in to hospice care and passed away 4 days later. December 6th I was on my way to go see her. I had just gotten off expressway and was less than 5 minutes from the hospital when my brother called to tell me she passed. Her funeral and burial was December 11th. It has been very difficult. Sorry if I made some have tears flow. I am crying as I type this. I will continue my weight loss journey for my Beautiful Mother Patricia. She was my biggest cheerleader she cheered me on for every pound loss. My mom was the weight I am now, but she was on 5ft 2in. So it held more around her abdomen and she always struggled with weight loss and gains. They said her blood pressure caused this. I will succeed for My Mother.
Sorry this message started out on a good note and the became sad. I hope everyone grabs a hold of your families and give them giant hugs and not let go. We never know what tomorrow brings. Thanksgiving morning she was talking to me on the phone and was happy and in a good mood. Things change in a second. Thank you all for being a friend. Happy Holiday / Merry Christmas to all.
I am so sorry for your loss. It has been a long time since I lost my mother but I still miss her. It's much easier though. Our parents are so important, you have been through a devastating loss and as a WLS community, we are here to support each other so don't apologize. Many of us, including me, know what you are going through. You are in my prayers. Don't avoid the memories, relish them, they are precious and they keep our loved ones forever close. {{{{{{{HUGS}}}}}}
Thank you so much. I appreciate the kind words. Memories that I have of her are very precious. I hope you had a Merry Christmas and hope you have a Happy New Year. God Bless.