Is this normal?
I'm 1 week post op, and I'm finding it very difficult to get everything I'm suppose to eat/drink in! I try to always have a glass of something with me, and i try to eat the 4 oz every hour, but it's so hard to do. My daily routine is a glass of diluted juice, then i eat some yogurt, pudding, jello, something like that about 30 minutes after i get up. My glass is always full of something, so I'm sipping on it all day. Throughout the day, i try to make myself eat, but nothing suits well. I've tried scrambled eggs, cream of wheat, courage cheese, and after i eat, i feel like I'm going to throw up. In fact, I did vomit lady night, soon after I went to bed! Any suggestions for me??? I hope I didn't make a mistake having this surgery!!
It can be very difficult the first couple of weeks to get everything in. The Dr told me to focus on liquids. I drank lots of herbal tea, protein broth and room temp water, some people like cold but I couldn't tolerate it. Also, don't use juice even if it's diluted. Use something like crystal light if you can. Protein shakes count as fluid. That was pretty much all I did week 1 and 2. Then I added, yogurt and cottage cheese. Also, 4oz is a lot at once this early out. Take is slow. Hope you feel better.

Yep. Pretty normal. It's like work getting your fluids and protein in for those first few weeks. It'll get easier.
It's normal to have trouble to make your protein numbers right off the bat. It's good you're always sipping. Keep at it. Staying hydrated at this point very important.
If the foods you're eating are making you ( want to ) vomit, you need to contact your surgeon and ask what to do. Maybe it's just too soon for you to be trying eggs and and cottage cheese?
( Personally, I'd skip the juice-even diluted, and just drink water. There's no benefit to it, but that's a thread for another day. )
I woke up in between a memory and a dream...
Tom Petty
And eggs are pretty advanced for a newborn like yourself. Right now you should be on puréed soups and protein shakes. There are vets in here that still get tripped up on eggs.
Thanks everyone! I decided to go back to the 2oz every hour thing and see if that helps. I felt 4 oz every hour this soon was a little much, but according to the plan that's what I'm supposed to be doing. And, I should be starting on 4oz canned meats every hour next Wednesday! There's no way. I have stopped drinking juice and now i drink flavored water or plain water or generic crystal light. I really hope things get better!!
For the first few weeks I focused on herbal tea, protein shakes and sf popsicles. Those thinge went down well and kept me hydrated until my tummy healed.