TMI Bathroom Nausea
Hey all,
As a heads up: this is going to be about poop.
So when I go to the bathroom most of the time it's just a normal experience. But, every once in a while it is most definitly not.
While going, typically after a short period after constipation, I get nauseous. I get goosebumps, my nose will run, and I feel like I have the stomach flu. I even get a little bit of light sensitivity . But then once I'm finished going, I feel totally fine again. 100% normal again.
Does anything like this happen to anyone else? or sound like something you've heard of?
I'm not super concerned, but I am also taking accutane which I know can cause IBS symptoms, not sure if maybe that's it.
I get nausea and dry heaves and sometimes vomit a little whenever I have to really work at a BM. Sometimes I get chills. It's happened for years. Now that I'm thinner 345 to 186) and eating a better diet I'm much more regular and don't have to work as hard and rarely get sick. I never looked into it. Hope this helps. You're not alone in this one! Nancy
Hey all,
As a heads up: this is going to be about poop.
So when I go to the bathroom most of the time it's just a normal experience. But, every once in a while it is most definitly not.
While going, typically after a short period after constipation, I get nauseous. I get goosebumps, my nose will run, and I feel like I have the stomach flu. I even get a little bit of light sensitivity . But then once I'm finished going, I feel totally fine again. 100% normal again.
Does anything like this happen to anyone else? or sound like something you've heard of?
I'm not super concerned, but I am also taking accutane which I know can cause IBS symptoms, not sure if maybe that's it.
this is a vagus nerve response. Straining to poop can stimulTe the vagus nerve causing these symptoms. Google vagus nerve
I have not had surgery yet, but I get that if I eat something that doesn't agree with me. I'd say it's normal. If it starts happened frequently I would mention it to your doc. My stomach turns, I feel dizzy, my nose also runs. It feels like I have a weird 2 minute flu.

Referral: June 2017
RNY with Dr. Neville in Ottawa: January 8th, 2018
I don't think it's diet related for me, but it's good to know that others have experienced it!
on 11/28/17 8:46 pm
I have occasionally experienced brief nausea and a flu-like feeling of being unwell while in the middle of a bowel movement. These unpleasant sensations are short-lived, and always completely end once I have finished. I've noticed this for several decades, a few times a year. I have hypothesized that this is due to some degree of leaky gut syndrome, which would allow toxins which should be evacuated from my body to occasionally get back into my bloodstream. But I don't know for sure. It's infrequent enough and I am generally healthy, so I haven't fretted about it. But it is unpleasant when it occurs.
Just some input on the Miralax:
1) Read the label carefully and use the largest dose they allow.
2) Eventually Miralax relieves things much more comfortably than stimulant laxatives - but it can take up to two or three days of regular use before you're bowels wake up and join the party
3) Many on OH take Miralax prophylactically. They've managed to get into a routine that works for them.
So take in the comments, concentrate on those that make the most sense to you right now and start plowing through the recommendations. You'll find a way that works for you. PM me if I can help any more or if you have more questions.
You'll be fine.