Lab Tests After GB 101/
You might want to call your surgeon to double check.

Referral: June 2017
RNY with Dr. Neville in Ottawa: January 8th, 2018
You know what would be awesome? If someone put together a guide (or maybe there is one out there somewhere) that breaks down the various individual tests by line item. For instance, Iron is complicated. Breaking down the difference between Ferritin, Iron, Iron Satauration, TIBC, UIBC, etc. Then explaining variouos causes of each, and the interactions between them, etc. Not just for iron, but for all the various labs. I have read so many articles online and scrutinized my results, and still need to refresh myself every time I get blood work it seems.
So, if anyone DOES have a link to something like this tht would be awesome.
Otherwise, maybe someday I will find the motivation to draft something and crowd source it to you guys for input/accuracy. Maybe