Any Sleeve to RNY converters?
Thanks all for the experiences ! I agree that reflux needs to be considered more by surgeons. It's silly. I remember specifically asking about it and the Dr saying he had only had to do a handful of revisions . I said ok, well, I better not have to come and say I told you so...
I go in tomorrow morning for a upper GI x-ray/test. And I'm to follow up with the surgeon asap. I called for that appointment and they said he was booked into November. I said well, now he isn't. Fit me in. Waiting for a call back now.
I'll try and compose a few more questions - I have more!
Sadly I haven't even been to bed yet since Tuesday. I was keeping myself buys and decided to clean up and managed to take everything out of every closet or cupboard and make my house a disaster! So I've been cleaning ever since!
I just sat down to lay in the couch for a minute and hopefully sleep for a half hour while my kids are playing and the reflux is just screaming at me ( which was what made me come check this thread)
So please share any positives or negatives and I'll try to pop back on tonight for more specific questions!

-Natalie VSG 5/13/16. 5'6" -- HW 283 . SW 266
Post vsg: M1 -32 , M2 -14 , M3-19
Ok so I had a nice nap! Yay!
Do any of you recall how long your revision surgery was? My sleeve was just under 2 hours and was great.
I had severe issues with drinking post op and did a lot of gagging attempting to take my (horse pill) medicine. I sat with a bucket mslt times constantly spitting t not throw up.
Did any of you have issues with sleeve healing in the first few days making drinking very difficult? I think I'm just curious to see if that same thing will happen. Now that I know the sensations of recovery I think I'll do a lot better with fluids but just curious. I was in for my sleeve for one night. I hear bypass is longer-term however I'm not sure if revision again is not standard bypass
Basically I'm trying to return to normal asap , or if I'm told I need the surgery, to do it during Christmas break for my kids since my husband is home.
I had a hip replacement this spring and within the first day home I was alone with my toddler due to my son having to be admitted to a hospital with intussusseption . We have no family so I need to be prepared for the worst in the home . I know my energy was zapped but I was pretty independent with my sleeve. I recorded y days after surgery for the first few months so I can look back on what was actually happening ( because it's easy to forget!)
So is home recovery harder at all, is getting pills down difficult, the hospital stay differences- any other restrictions you don't feel you had with sleeve that you do have with bypass.
Has your hunger stayed away ( if you were lucky enough for that side effect of sleeve?) I'm bever ever hungry. I do crave now and then etc but the remvosl of the hormones really helped me not ever want food. I'm hoping that stays and I'm not sure if it does .
Did they use your previous wntry cuts/ scarbs for the lapro or did you get another 4-5 incisions? I don't care about scars etc . If I was doing this for beauty I wouldn't have been so over weight to being with :) but figured I ask!
So I've rambled enough. I'll read through what I've asked and try to check off things instead of repeating the same questions.

-Natalie VSG 5/13/16. 5'6" -- HW 283 . SW 266
Post vsg: M1 -32 , M2 -14 , M3-19