Crack slaw- a hit that is on the repeat list
Thanks to the person that posted "crack slaw" on the menu thread and Julie for the suggestion about mongolian fire oil and another person for the sesame oil tip.
Made crack slaw and the dinner guest had seconds and was contemplating I packed a helping up for them.
They had never had crack slaw before either...and requested that it get put on the repeat list (we cook for each other when one or the other is super busy).
I love the menu thread and all the awesome ideas! Crackslaw gets put in the A+ category!

RNY Surgery: 12/31/2013;
Current weight (2/27/2015) 139lbs, ~14% body fat
Three pounds below Goal!!! Yay !
I made it this weekend too. Tbh it wasn't as great a hit in my house. We liked it and will make it again but I think the issue was no soy sauce. My daughter doesn't like it so I used beef broth instead. Next time I will use soy. I did use sesame oil and siracha though and it was tasty. I've found I really like lots of flavour since surgery and this definitely spiced things up.

RNY Jan 12, 2017 Lost 137 lbs but regained 60.
77 lbs lost and counting!
Losing the regain! I got this!
The soy sauce does gives flavor and a salty taste.
I used Dale's Marinate from B-ham Al. It is soy based...has some extra onion and garlic paste in it.
Mine was very flavorful. I didnt need to add extra salt

RNY Surgery: 12/31/2013;
Current weight (2/27/2015) 139lbs, ~14% body fat
Three pounds below Goal!!! Yay !
As mentioned in the other thread, I rocked this recipe last night. I told my wife I was making crack slaw for dinner and she was like "Whatever." She usually doesn't like my cooking since the surgery. She's a meat and potato girl and doesn't like my healthier adaptations too much. So I made the recipe with a pound of ground turkey, sesame oil, rice wine vinegar, fresh grated garlic and ginger, added some bean sprouts (cooked and fresh right at the end) and low sodium soy sauce. I didn't add the Splenda and as my wife hates hot - I added the hot pepper sauce afterwards to my portion. I did add a bit of sweet and low to my 2nd helping - which was only a half cup portion. So I tried it with and without - and I have to say adding a little bit of the sweet really made it pop. I'd add a couple packs next time to the entire recipe. Sadly there is only about a half cup leftover for tonight (if my wife doesn't steal it for lunch today). She went nuts for it and ate two giant portions, which made me smile. It was really good and she even said she could eat that every Sunday night.
I think the most fun for me was just exploring around in the Asian store getting some of the ingredients. I haven't done that in years. It was neat to pick up lots of spicy Japanese and Korean condiments (all bariatric friendly). I left the higher sugar items in the store. I was excited to find a sesame dressing that was only 40 calories per tbls. So that was a neat find. I don't use much dressing these days, so I'll try that once in awhile with my fork dipping method or mix it with a vinegar base. I even went to Aldi's since it was next door to the Asian market. They have sugar free popsicles for $2 vs.$4 and they were really good. Less sweet, to my taste, than the popsicle brand.
HW 510 / SW 424/ GW 175 (stretch goal to get 10 under) / CW 160 (I'm near the charts ideal weight - wonder if I can stay here)
RNY November 2016
PS: L/R arm skin removal; belt panniculectomy - April, 2019
In the immediate year post op (and maybe even the second) - it would be. But when you get a few years out, you can eat almost anything.
I am/used to be a dumper. I would get very sick (shakey/sweaty/raising heart/vomiting) when I ate something with too much concentrated sugar (i.e. icing/ cream). Even that has settled down somewhat 3 years post up (about to head into ). In the beginning ONE bite would send me to the bathroom. I can have a bite of a peanut butter cookie now, but I dont do more than one or two. Dumping is scary (if you dont know what is going on), uncomfortable and if you are doing it in a public place-embarrassing.
Your surgeon will have a plan post op in which you get food slowly re-introduced. You will have to introduce foods literally like you are an infant. Clear broths, then full froths, then mushy foods, then soft foods and slowly work your way up to drier proteins and raw things (like raw celery or chicken breast. Some people really struggle with chicken...I dont know where I would be without it).
We are here to help!
PS-I dont even get farts from cabbage anymore...a benefit of having a shorter intestinal tract?

RNY Surgery: 12/31/2013;
Current weight (2/27/2015) 139lbs, ~14% body fat
Three pounds below Goal!!! Yay !
The crack slaw is worth it. It may be something you want to try before surgery. It is low carb. If you puff up and gain weight from salt, I would substitute the soy sauce with LIQUID AMINOs. It is some granola thing, people that eat paleo use it instead of soy sauce, it really DOES taste like soy sauce (like normal people that normallly dont choose to be healthy use it) and I guess it gives you amino acids. I have a bottle at home I havent opened because I havent made the paleo recipe that called for it yet and I have 3 jars of soy sauce already opened in my home so....

RNY Surgery: 12/31/2013;
Current weight (2/27/2015) 139lbs, ~14% body fat
Three pounds below Goal!!! Yay !
I'm a big Bragg's liquid aminos user. I've got 2 bottles in the pantry at all times. Should have thought about that sub. I'll try that next time.
HW 510 / SW 424/ GW 175 (stretch goal to get 10 under) / CW 160 (I'm near the charts ideal weight - wonder if I can stay here)
RNY November 2016
PS: L/R arm skin removal; belt panniculectomy - April, 2019