What's on your Monday Menu RNyers?
on 10/2/17 4:39 am
Good morning! It was a lovely weekend, but now back to reality.
I woke up to the terrible news out of Las Vegas and I am devastated. I can't believe this keeps happening :(
Accountability: I had some carby goodness this weekend in the form of Apple Cider Doughnuts (my favorite thing on EARTH!), but I planned for it in MFP and already have a week's worth of awesome menus planned for the remainder of this week. The balance of maintenance is tough. I think I am getting better at learning "moderation" for the first time in my life, but it is still a daily learning curve.
QOTD: American Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday!! I have a lifetime of wonderful traditions to look back on. My family has scattered in the last few years, but this year we are all getting back together, and I am so excited!
Hello....thank you for the above info. Can you please tell me where you input all the food items to show what each meal is? I tried putting it in my tracker...but....it didn't show each meal sectioned out.

Kimmy in Canada
2017: Aug 16: Referral -- Sep 14: Orientation - Oct 5: Nurse - Oct 23: D/SW/N 2018: Feb 21: D/SW/N - Mar 12: Internist - Mar 23: D/SW - Apr 5: App't with Surgeon - Apr 23: Post-Op Class - May 3: Pre-op Admin in Hospital - May 22: SURGERY
Hi all
QOTD: love christmas. I bake and always do treats for family and friends. I generally like thanksgiving also though larger family doesn't always get together. DH and I might try for a cruise instead.
weekend was a good one. sat we met my mom in a neighboring town, went to a few consignment and flea markets then drove up 15 min to the town north for lunch. I found a timex indiglo, a skagen, and a vintage timex for $7 for all. they are super nice with new batteries. only one is not working now, i will pop in a new battery then see how it is working. other than that I didn't buy any clothes :) we had lunch at a BBQ place where i got 1/2 bbq chicken. it was so tender and had coleslaw with it- not the best choice but probably the best side dish choice there was. brought home leftover chicken and rolls for the hens at home. Friday night we moved the tv from on the wall to above the fireplace. it was a giant nightmare as DH has a bad back and tv's are fracking hard to lift above fireplace mantels it is up though and nice I suppose.
Sunday I met my niece to kayak and paddleboard. didn't realize how bad the wind was till we were already out. took about 20 min to get out and over an hour to get back due to wind. every time it blew i was pushed back and back. it was so bad, my feet started cramping.finally made it to a clearing so I could paddle furiously to get back. yikes! i thought I would need a tow!
food for today
leftover chicken
tiny bit of gizzards left and spag squash
dinner is NY strip steak in sous vide! gotta look up cook times and get into pot.
i did make apple butter bread yesterday which I ate too much, but I actually went to bed last night without cramming some last minute stuff in my mouth.
Good morning! It was a great weekend for me, though it didn't start out that way at all. Friday night I waited around at a coffee shop near my work for someone that wanted to buy a cellphone I have listed on the classifieds. They didn't show (surprise, surprise). That's OK. It doesn't break my heart to keep it. I enjoyed my coffee and chatted with a friend for almost an hour. Just as I arrived home on my bike, the front tire caught an edge of the curb at my driveway, and I wiped out. I went down HARD. I haven't wiped out in over 20 years, and that was usually on a backwoods trail or falling down a ravine or something, after having gone over my handlebars. Tumbling through the woods is WAY different than smashing on concrete. I landed on my knee and right arm, slid a little and got some road rash and swelling, opened up the knee a little but otherwise I was fine. I hobbled into the house, and my daughters sprang into action. One retrieved my bike and put it in the garage, the other got the first aid kit and they both became nurses on the spot. Quite adorable. I iced my knee the rest of the night. Now it just hurts but it's improving. Sunday I was repairing my daughter's bed, and decided it would be a good idea to run an impact driver bit through the white part at the base of my thumbnail. It's still bleeding this morning, but not terribly.
I survived the walk to work, and I'm laying low in my office today to save myself from myself.
I did attend a couple of hockey games with my daughters, and we had a great time. Lots of memories made. They won't remember the best days of television, but they'll always remember the goofy stuff we did together.
My menu: Going easy this week, to experiment and ramp things up. No reason really, just something I want to try out. Breakfast and lunch are protein shakes, supper will be chili. All vitamins and water will be in. Exercise is largely walking.
QOTD: I like Christmas the most, followed by Thanksgiving. Not for the presents, or the food, just the overall meaning and sentiment of the season.