5 days post-op, observations and complaints
Hello OH friends,
I wanted to post an update on some random things going on now that I'm five days post surgery (RNY with Dr Hutter on 9.18.17).
These are in no particular order, and have all likely been posted in the past- but it's helpful to me just to get it out there and prevent me from overwhelming my husband with so much, and maybe it will be helpful to someone else here too!
-little cups- I bought a pack of 200 of these cute little 2oz cups from amazon and thought I'd be measuring out the liquids while I am struggling through this post op phase. I did the first day but quickly got tired of it. Plus somehow the little cups stacked up in the fridge had the opposite effect on me- and my brain read the towers of liquid filled cups as daunting, rather than easier. But- I've used them for lots of other things, so they're a good purchase! I fill them with the day's vitamins to take with me, or use them to make "lunchables" like pizza for my first grader (shredded cheese, marinara, turkey pepperoni in each cup).
-cream soups- just tried some tomato soup today, and it was great! I tried a bit made with almond milk, and then added some unflavored unjury protein powder, and definitely didn't like it as much after the powder. It has a smell that is almost how it tastes and it's not pleasant for me. However, I doctored it up with a bit of garlic and a tiny dollop of hot sauce, and it worked out better. Others have talked about cream soups, strained but they're not on my postop plan. Condensed tomato made with "full liquid" like milk is allowed. -popsicles- Was never a huge fan of sugar free things, and still not, but these do help get in some extra fluid intake when water gets hard or boring.
-liquid tylenol- I bought this before surgery, but didn't try it until post-op day 4. Holy crap. It burned all the way down, and I didn't even finish one dose. I'm doing okay swallowing just the regular tylenol caplets, so I'm going to keep with those.
-hot flashes- I've been having temperature fluctuations since going on the liquid diet preop, and they've continued after surgery. It's not "real" hot flashes, but I feel a wave of almost sweatiness wash through me. No idea why, but I'll be searching the OH archives for some possible insights.
-horrible taste in mouth- about 3 days postop, I woke up in the night with the most disgusting taste in my mouth, and could taste it with every breath. I gargled with mouthwash, but still woke up with the same taste a few hours later. Turns out, it's likely a byproduct of ketosis, which a search of OH archives explained!
-pain- the pain was pretty severe on days one and two, while I was in the hospital. Come to find out, it was mostly gas pain and not truly surgical pain. I walked all around the hospital floor, every hour. I wasn't able to pass gas until day 4, which the drs were concerned about, but ultimately decided that the narcotics were slowing things down. The things that helped me were: walking, walking while doing a swimming like breaststroke motion, leaning my chest onto the bed and slowly swaying my rear in the air (the last two I did in the privacy of my own bedroom!!). All things gleaned from the OH archives!
-liquid intake- I'm on a liquid diet until at least next Wednesday. That is really hard to do especially since I'm still preparing meals for the family. Last night I nearly had a breakdown when I was throwing out leftover mixed greens salad with beets and feta, which is a favorite of mine! I have been having a lot of trouble choking down protein drinks, especially when they're so sweet. I've been doing Premier Proteins, which I really liked preop. I also ordered a sampler pack of Syntrax Nectars, which has lots of flavors and was only about 19 bucks! (there's a number to call on their website- one deal per person). I tried my first one (caramel latte) this morning mixed into greek yogurt thinned with a bit of almond milk and it was heavenly, just to eat something with a spoon!
-bending/lifting/snuggling with my kids- My six year old gets it that I cannot pick her up or play on the floor right now, etc. She occasionally forgets and runs into me, so I have to keep vigilant to protect the belly. The baby is another story. She's 9 months old and about 19 pounds. She is too young to understand why I'm not picking her up or putting her down to sleep right now. I've learned to compromise by 1) holding her hand while she's walking (she's an early walker) to get physical contact, 2) playing with her and toys while she's in her crib and 3) having my husband hand her to me at night when she's sleepy and less likely to kick the belly, so that I can give her a bottle and then when she's fast asleep signaling to him with the baby monitor so he can transport her to the crib.
-sleeping- *sigh* what sleeping?? Having an infant has prepared me for interrupted sleep, so it's not too rough, but I really feel like I need more sleep now more than ever. It's hard to get comfortable, and sitting up is the most comfortable position for me now. I've spent a few nights in an armchair downstairs, which helps me sleep but also allows me to walk around in circles when I feel cramping without waking the family. I tried a night in bed, but it's rough trying to stay propped up correctly.
-family meal time- similar to the liquid intake complaints above, this one is hard for me. We always talk about our days, the upcoming events and anything else going on in our lives during dinner. So even though it would be easier on me to just opt out of mealtimes, I really want to be there. I bring a few liquid options to the table and just try not to focus on the lovely meals the family is having!
Wow! That was a long post. I actually started it this morning and have ruminating on it during the day. Thanks for listening!!
(edited to add spacing back in because when I cut and pasted it in, it turned into a huge block of words)

Sounds like all in all your doing pretty well. I have no children, so I can't imagine how hard that has to be some times, but everything else sounds familiar. Not focusing on what my lovely husband eats during meal time is the hardest. Because my brain knows what it tastes like and I want to join in so badly but can't.
I'm on soft foods now and move to normal food by Oct. 2nd. My surgery was August 7th so I'm roughly 1 1/2 months post-op now. I found soft foods to be absolutely wonderful. However, I find that many things no longer sit well with me. All normal eggs are still off my list for now, as is any kind of processed cheese (the pre-made nacho cheese kind) I can eat mozzarella, and other soft cheeses but I have to limit myself.
Like you my first couple nights were the worst for pain. As for sleeping though, I found I could sleep on my back almost immediately and within 1 week I could sleep on my stomach with no pain. (found that out after finding myself stomach down on the bed when I woke up once) My doctor was even surprised at that aspect, but happy that I was able to do so.
I can't take liquid Tylenol either as it was so syrupy and sweet that I could not choke it down. Getting in my water has also proven to be the hardest thing for me. I get to about 30oz a day and find getting over that is so extremely hard for me.
The year before this surgery I had been diagnosed with uterine cancer and so being only 37 I had a full hysterectomy. They took everything, uterus, tubes, ovaries, and cervix. But happy to say I'm still NED however the hot flashes are so much more intensified after this recent surgery LOL. However, I can say they occur very rarely atm because now I'm constantly cold. Another thing I have found along with that, is that sitting down for any length of time no matter how padded it is.. is hard. My poor bottom seems to think that I have no padding at all anymore and starts to hurt something fierce.
But I hope your days are getting better, and keep your chin up. Your weight will continue to drop (just follow your meal plan and talk to the vets here if you need help) I already see a new difference in me and it just keeps getting better. I just got off a stall of 2 1/2 weeks but now I'm dropping a lb a day again for the moment.
You can do this, and after awhile all those sacrifices won't feel so much like sacrifices anymore and you will be all the better for it.

Miranda F,
After I lost my first 35 pounds or so, I realized how hard most seats are.
I've invested in a portable padded seat cushion for my office chair and get up and walk around the building multiple times a day (not only so that I get enough "steps in" during the work day) but because my poor bum just can no longer handle sitting for more than an hour or two at a time.
Best wishes to all of you on your weight loss journey!
Thank you for sharing your experience and encouragement, Miranda. It's good to hear perspective from someone a few weeks out.
I don't know what to say about the cancer. I want to say I'm sorry, which sounds strange coming from a stranger- but it's true, I am. I want to say I'm glad that that part of your life is behind you, but I'm sure you struggle still. I guess I could just say cancer SUCKS, and hopefully that sums it up... Hearing other stories about experiences with surgeries and health issues (WLS or other) certainly humbles me and reminds me that I've got it relatively easy.
As as far as advancing to the next state of WLS mentality, I can't wait for it to feel like the new normal, rather than how I feel now just getting the hang of everything.

This is a great post for other newly post-op people to reference. I love how you summarized information you found via searches on OH!
You are off to a great start!
Liz 5'3" HW: 219 SW: 185 GW: 125 LW: 113 Desired maintenance range: 120-125 CW: 119ish
Thanks! Feeling almost back to normal now. I had my surgical followup today and was telling my surgeon how nobody could have convinced me one week ago that I'd feel so much better by now- I feel nearly preop (other than the lack of hunger and small stomach capacity!). He cracked some joke about how sometimes he does this sham surgery where he just pretends to operate to see how it all turns out. I told him I felt almost like that was me!
Seriously, though- during the first few days postop, there was no way that I'd be able to see the forest for the trees. I couldn't believe at that time that recovery could be so sudden.
Good luck!