Sleep position help!!
I didn't have any sleep instructions when I left the hospital. I slept with the bed at a slight angle while I was there, and then slept in my recliner for a few nights at home just for comfort. My butt and back hurt, too! I think it's just one of the things we have to deal with for a while. It's only day 8 for me now and last night I slept flat in a bed on my right side (far easier than left side) for the first time.
Hope you get to that point soon! How long did they say you had to sleep like that?
I also think that a recliner is the best choice. I'm preparing for surgery. My husband suggested me buying a sleeping recliner. He found a review on ing/, and they seem to be really comfortable. What kind of recliners did you choose?
I just used the Laz-y-boy that I already had in the living room. The sleeping recliners that I see advertised do look like something good for a person who is going to sleep permanently in a recliner.
If he wants something new, I would suggest an adjustable bed. I love sleeping in mine and can raise my head if any problem with reflux. It happens very rarely but can happen.

Real life begins where your comfort zone ends