Empowering Yourself
WLS has given me power over my body that I have not had since I was a child. Between the ages of 8 and 10 suffered from an abusive home life with significant neglect whi*****luded malnutrition and deep hunger. After that I was moved to my father and step-mother's home and there was always food a plenty. I ate too much. I deeply feared the sensation of hunger. Hunger felt like starvation and abandonment. I survived my childhood and became a pretty well rounded (pun intended) woman but not without suffering injury. For me, that injury was feeling powerless against hunger.
WLS gave me my power back.
As I prepared for surgery I was nervous, confused, unsure of what to expect. I found OH and the boards became a life line. A resource for information, first hand anecdotal stories, inspirational 'Before and After' photos, and friends who knew what I was going through.
Unfortunately, like in all things, life is imperfect. People are imperfect. I found over time that my power over my body was being snipped, nipped, and dogged at by OH members who professed to be 'helping.' I do not think it is 'helping' at all to insert yourself into another person's journey and offer un-requested advice. In fact, in group therapy sessions this is something specifically I, as a counselor, am trained to prevent. Unsolicited advice steals power from the person being advised.
There are lots of long winded clinical explanations about why that is but a short version is this: Unsolicited advice becomes one of three things 1) validation of the inner critic the person was already facing 2) cutting off of a sense of peer to peer connection 3) disemboweling of a sense of personal worth and achievement.
I hear your criticism and my inner critic says "SEE! Told YA!" (which isn't helpful...if I could hate myself into healthier eating I wouldn't have needed RNY trust me)
I feel 'less than' and 'other'
I follow your advice and then don't actually feel like I succeeded but instead feel needy and dependent and weak ("I am a failure without you telling me what a failure I would be without you")
None of that is healthy empowered living. Unsolicited advise is a egocentric play for unwarranted power and authority by the person 'offering' it for their own benefit not for the benefit of the person being targeted with said advice. Always.
When I said as much in the main boards I was handed my head a bit and told I was an issue by some of the louder voices. I sat back and continued to use the support I found helpful and spit out the bones of things I found unhelpful. After all, I am a grown woman and a comment on the internet has zero power over me.
Then I noticed I wasn't the only person the comments would target. There were hurting folks finding their need for support swatted down. Deactivated members. Quieted voices. Lonely folks without an in-person support group. Folks without anyone in their local area who has had WLS. Folks whose family is just plain tired of hearing about WLS. People like me.
I was losing my power again. Others were losing their power. WLS is about gaining power. What to do?
I created a small private support group utilizing OH. The smaller group setting allows members to feel safe while being vulnerable about their struggles, their successes, and their progress without fear that they will be criticized. The only rule is don't offer advice unless it is asked for.
Ironically it has been brought to my attention that I now run 'RNY_Elizabeth's we don't give advice unless you ask first group.' This has apparently been said in critical tones as though it is a dig. I find that edifying and I am honored to be thought of that way even if it was intended to be catty. I am indeed a strong advocate for this type of mutual respect.
However, my point is this...if the main boards don't feel comfortable for you. If you feel like you are not well served by the 'tough love' approach, that is ok. You are not alone. You are not doomed to failure because you don't do things a certain way. You are not powerless.
Simply choose to hold onto your power. Make your tools, your pouch and your OH, work for you. Personal accountability is key. Find a way to use these to your best outcome.
If you are interested in joining a small group, create one. Invite people you feel comfortable sharing with, and make it a space you can thrive in. Don't get quiet and find yourself alone again. If you don't want to make your own group, feel free to message me. We have room for more in our little corner.
WLS gave you power. OH supports your holding onto that power. Use OH in ways that keep you going.
FYI... almost 2 years out, no regain, still 124, still healthy, still feeling great, still my only regret is not having WLS sooner.
Proud Feminist, Atheist, LGBT friend, and Democratic Socialist
I'm so not seeing this attack on another private group. At all. I'm not seeing betrayal... I'm just seeing 98% relevant helpful info and one or two lines about getting flack on the public boards for bucking the system...
Kim, I just keep re-reading it and there's so much helpful and only the line which isn't even bad, about her group?
And with so few words quoted, it isn't exactly impossible that the quote could match "word for word" as it's length and meaning don't easily branch into multiple word choices.
As for my comment about Grim being the best, I stand by that ;-)

5'4" 49yrs at surgery date
SW - 206 CW - 128
M1 - 20lb M2 - 9 lb M3 - 7 lb M4 - 7 lb M5 - 7 lb M6 - 6 lb M7 - 4 lb M8 - 1 lb M9 - 2 lb M10 - 4 lb M11 - 0lb M12 - 3lb M13 - 0 lb M14 - 2 lb M15 - 0 lb M16 - 3 lb
So Hello everyone...
Since I got an email telling me I was kicked out of R&R, and I'm friends with Elizabeth, I learned enough math in school to figure out who the friend is that you think revealed some deep dark secret from the R&R board to her.
This morning I read Elizabeth's post. I never would have put 2 and 2 together to come up with an attack on Kim over something she posted on the r&r board. As a matter of fact, I liked that Elizabeth was talking to the people here that don't feel accepted, or haven't made a bond with any group as of yet. I know her well enough to know she was really trying to help some folks here that feel left out, bullied, or whatever you want to call it. And for those of you on the R&R board, you know how I am with the underdog, I'm naturally inclined to stick up for them.
I haven't posted or read on the R&R board in weeks. I was turned off for various reasons, yet I didn't leave because there are so many people on that board that I like, and deep down, if I met them in person I know we'd get along famously. There are good people there. It's just not my cup of tea right now. I was trying to decompress, find my happy place, and take some time.
I've gone through weeks of my son being bullied online, and what I've learned is that people, both teenagers and adults, can spew some ugly **** and really hurt people when they are hiding behind their keyboards... it leaves a bad taste in my mouth, and it can really hurt people, and some even die because of it.
So think what you will, I'm not losing sleep over it. I have enough in my real life to deal with. As far as whomever it was that insinuated that you wouldn't reveal my deep dark secrets that I posted over there, thanks. I'm not losing sleep over it either, because I know that anything I post online isn't subject to true secrecy, and maybe that's something all of you need to think about when you do post things anywhere online.

Height 5'5" HW 260 SW 251 CW 141.6 (2/27/18)
RNY 5-16-16 Pre-Op 9lbs, M1-18.5lbs, M2-18.1lbs, M3-14.8lbs, M4-10.4lbs, M5-9.2lbs, M6-7lbs, M7-6.2lbs, M8-8.8lbs,M9-7.8lbs, M10-1 lb, M11-.6lbs, M12-4.4lbs
That's the biggest bunch of disingenuous, eyelash-batting, 'who me' crap I've read today.
As to your not-so-subtle comparison of us being the same as the bullies who hurt your son, nuts to you. That's a load right there. You were 100% fine with us until we didn't agree with you, and the times you disagreed, you had no trouble holding your own.
Glad you won't lose sleep. You missed the whole motherloving point of the responses: we wouldn't reveal info divulged in a private setting because it's a dick move and violation of our group's first rule.
I also learned enough math that I don't have to take off my shoes to count. A direct quote in a private group made it back to the person it was about, and she's no longer there but you were. Frankly, I think you two deserve each other--you with the sneakery and passing on a hurtful comment, and her with painting herself as the voice of the downtrodden.
I fight badgers with spoons.
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