Anxiety over upcoming RNY surgery
on 9/6/17 8:50 pm
Oh boy am I ever having anxiety over my upcoming RNY surgery! I'm 100% sure that this is the right thing to do and I'm 100% on board with the changes that I have already made to be successful before and after surgery but I've found myself riddled with anxiety for the last few days. Basically ever since I was given my surgery date. Dr. Jules was so reassuring and I totally trust him but all I can think of is the what if's. I know in my heart that this surgery is going to save my life and I'm going to be so much happier and healthier afterwards but I guess I'm just really nervous. Is it normal to have a few jitters before your surgery? Did anyone else feel like this before their surgery?
on 9/6/17 10:29 pm
Thanks for the input and advice! I'm probably just overthinking things. My mind is racing with the anticipation I guess. I'm nervous and excited all at the same time.
Hey... I can understand how your feeling b/c I am feeling the same way. For me it's kind of like being of 2 minds. My surgery is Friday, and I went for pre-op this morning, and started balling on the way there, and wanted to turn around and go home. It's a big change for us all but what an opportunity to pass up
Hang in there you are not alone in this

Vertical sleeve, Sept 15
on 9/7/17 5:12 pm
Hey terrylynnishere, I know how emotional this journey can be. One minute I'm so excited and the next I am terrified! I think it's important to focus on the end goal and just remember how healthy we'll be on the other side. I wish you all the best and good luck on Friday!!
Yes it's normal but you can use it to your advantage.
Anxiety is lessened by deep breathing. Practice breathing in from your belly. Full and slow. Then slowly exhale. Deep breathing is great to build up your lungs to be in their best shape for surgery.
Keep reading here. Maybe menu threads would be less anxiety producing.
on 9/6/17 10:37 pm
Thanks for the advice. I will definitely try the breathing techniques. I used to meditate all the time, I'm sure that would help as well.