Does OHIP cover CPAP machines?
OHIP doesn't, but ODSP does. Any private insurance you have will also cover the machine.
If you need a machine, you'll be referred to any of the many providers in Ottawa (I'm assuming since you're with BMI). They'll take care of the paperwork for you.
Good luck! My machine was life changing. I kid you not.
Referred: Sept 2016 Orientation: Jan 23/17 Nurse: Feb 1/17 PreOp Class 1: Feb 14th/2017 Nut/Beh: Apr 10/17 Nut follow up: May 10/17 PreOp Class 2: June 13/17 Meet the Surgeon: June 15/17 Start Opti: July 25/2017 (-18lbs) Surgery Day: Aug 15/2017 (Dr, Neville) M1: -18lbs M2: -11.5lbs M3: -4lbs (stalled!) M4: -12.5lbs M5: - 1lb (stalled!) M6: -12lbs
I can't help you with the CPAP question, but I just wanted to let you know that there is a forum specifically for Ontario peeps which may be better for questions related to our programs and clinics :)
Ohip covers 75% of machine, you will need to over cost of mask and hoses which will total about $500 out of pocket.

Guelph- Orientation 12/15/2016 nurse/diet Started Preop 1/27/2017
SW 1/30/2017, all 3 3/6/2017
Internist 3/22/2017 Surgeon 5/11/2017
Post op eating 5/15/2017 Nurse 5/26/2017
Anest-6/1/17 Pre Op 52 M1-20 M2-26 M3-15 M4-6 M5-7 M6-2 M7-1 M8-3 M9-6 M10-3 M11-3 M12-2 M13-2 M14-0 M15-2