feeling like food or drink is stuck and will not go down.

on 8/22/17 3:33 pm

wondering if anyone else has this...every day , sometimes 2 or 3 times a day, when I drink or eat my soft/pureed food , it feels like it's stuck. I will get the feeling that I have a BIG bubble down there .. Eventually I will burp and food or foamy liquid will come up... It's getting uncomfortable enough that i'm afraid to eat or drink even water..

Surgery was 7-24-17...have lost 35 lbs.

on 8/22/17 4:06 pm

Having you tried bouncing lightly up and down in your seat? It sounds silly, but I do that when a pill gets stuck halfway down to my stomach.

Referral: June 2017
RNY with Dr. Neville in Ottawa: January 8th, 2018

Amy R.
on 8/22/17 4:07 pm, edited 8/22/17 9:07 am

You're very early out so and I'm responding with that in mind.

Try chewing your "food" more. A LOT MORE. Make your meals last longer. Often when we are early out this happens - it's completely normal - and it's only because we haven't learned how to chew thoroughly enough after surgery. The size of bites you can swallow postop are substantially smaller than what you were likely swallowing pre-op. Make the size of your swallows smaller when you drink anything as well.

I'm almost certain that will help, obviously if it doesn't or something gets worse call your surgeon.

edited to add: If you were farther out and having this problem daily I would advice you get to a doc or hospital asap. It's not normal behavior when you're more than a few months postop.

on 8/22/17 4:29 pm

I'm really not eating anything I have to chew , and even water will cause the bubble feeling..and protein shakes are really bad... I have been eating white bean juice (only)no beans...chicken/beef broth...yogurt...some babyfood..Most of the time what comes up is foamy and tastes bitter.

I have my month appointment the 24th , this Thurs.with my surgeon..

anyone have any ideas?

Amy R.
on 8/22/17 4:34 pm, edited 8/22/17 9:36 am

I kind of mentioned this. Or maybe I didn't. But even drinks can be ingested too quickly. You can literally swallow too much water in one gulp when you're this early out. Even much further out it happens. It seems an easy thing to at least try a couple of times and see if it helps, but I'm not you and I understand that.

Good luck and I hope you find the answer you're looking for.

edited to add: definitely get the possibility of a stricture eliminated asap. Glad Peach thought to bring that up for you. =)

on 8/22/17 4:17 pm - Philadelphia, PA
RNY on 04/28/15

Anytime I read new post ops have trouble with liquids my mind goes to stricture.

Otherwise I'd roll back in the diet a few days to settle an angry pouch.

5'6.5" High weight:337 Lowest weight:193/31 BMI: Goal: 195-205/31-32 BMI

on 8/22/17 4:18 pm
RNY on 05/09/17

You need to call your surgeon. To me it sounds like a stricture. I've had one 4 times now (lucky me) and I had similar feelings.

Slowly and consistently take the worlds tiniest sips so you don't get dehydrated. Hot tea and crystal light was easier for me to get down. But seriously, keep drinking even though it's uncomfortable. I landed in the ER for severe dehydration (4 days absolutely nothing to drink).

If it's a stricture it's a fairly easy fix. They out you under, then they go in a stretch your stoma. Painless. It's a short procedure. I had complication, buts that abnormal. Sometimes you have to get the dialation two or three times over the course of a couple of months.

on 8/22/17 4:37 pm

I called today.. I have an app. with surgeon Thurs...Really hoping they do a endoscopy..

Do you know what causes the strictures? could it be swelling yet from surgery?

on 8/22/17 6:07 pm
RNY on 05/09/17

Strictures, to my understanding, is just a build up of scar tissue. Some people scar more than others. Some people's stomas get irritated and begin to scar up.

Normally strictures occur between the 1-3 months according to my surgeon. So I'm not sure if swelling would cause it, but I'm sure it would amplify it!

on 8/22/17 8:46 pm

Thank You for the info..

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