
on 8/22/17 1:13 pm

Hey everyone :)

I just got done with my first appointment with my dietitian. My blood work came back and the only vitamin she wants me on is vitamin D and B12.

What vitamins are you taking? Any brand you recommend?

I was also curious as to how your stomach handled vitamins after surgery. Are gummie vitamins easier? Liquid? Etc.

Hope everyone is having a wonderful day.

Referral: June 2017
RNY with Dr. Neville in Ottawa: January 8th, 2018

on 8/22/17 1:39 pm - Alexandria, VA
RNY on 11/10/04 with

Calcium and multivitamins are the basics. I also do B12 sublingual.

My Calcium and multvitamin are both from Baratric advantage, chewables. You need chewables to allow proper absorption, and of course low/no sugar. Check out the variety here:


RNY 11/2004 (lost 110 pounds, gained back to 284), revision 8/2017 (down 26 pounds)

on 8/22/17 1:49 pm

Some here eschew using bariatric multis, opting instead for a combo of Centrum Adult multis plus additional iron, etc. others use vitamin patches, or combine them with oral vitamins. I am using what my surgeon recommended, Bariatric Fusion multis. These are chewables but not gummies, and I have 4 per day. Additionally, I take 3 chewable Vitamin Cs (500 mg. each) every day, as I have always needed a bit more C than many do, ever since I reached adulthood. I space everything out and chew these after eating. I take the C together with the multis. I have had no problems with any stomach upset. I have all of my labs including pre-op ferritin, so I will see where everything is at when I next have bloodwork done in 4 months and will adjust as needed.

on 8/22/17 3:44 pm

I ordered a 3 month supply of PATCHMD vitamin patch per recommendation of my dietitian... After taking them 5 days , I broke out in a rash everywhere ( not unusual for me as i'm allergic to a lot of things)... anyway wondering if anyone want to buy them for half price.. I paid $60 something for 3mos. will sell for $30

on 8/22/17 4:02 pm

Oh no! :( Vitamin patches sound like a good idea, but I have very sensitive skin, and the smallest things can trigger me into a psoriosis breakout. They company doesn't have a garuntee? Sometimes if you complain to them, they'll give you your money back.

Referral: June 2017
RNY with Dr. Neville in Ottawa: January 8th, 2018

on 8/22/17 4:18 pm

Thanks...never thought about that... I might try calling them if I can't sell them.

on 8/22/17 5:35 pm

Good luck! Usually companies will give you your money back if you contact them directly.

Referral: June 2017
RNY with Dr. Neville in Ottawa: January 8th, 2018

on 8/22/17 4:19 pm - Philadelphia, PA
RNY on 04/28/15

What kinds of patches do you have?

5'6.5" High weight:337 Lowest weight:193/31 BMI: Goal: 195-205/31-32 BMI

on 8/22/17 4:42 pm

PATCHMD multivitamin patches.

on 8/22/17 4:22 pm - Philadelphia, PA
RNY on 04/28/15

Gummy vitamins may not have the supplements needed. Right after surgery I took vitamin shoppe brand chewable calcium, and a chewable multi. Now I can swallow and take BJ's brand calcium and multi vitamins.

only thing my stomach has had issue with is various forms of iron.

5'6.5" High weight:337 Lowest weight:193/31 BMI: Goal: 195-205/31-32 BMI

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