Having a rough day
Thank you everyone. I said I thought I was hungry, because everything I read says most hunger is either head hunger or acid. I think I will take everyone's suggestion though and ask for a acid reducer. My follow-up apt with doc and nut is this Tuesday so I will ask for one then. Also I'm going to ask for another pain reliever for my back. It has spasmed on a daily basis since the surgery and I've been having a very hard time with that.
I needed to hear everything you all said though. Thank you all so much. I will continue to follow my path like I should. I'm down to 270 this morning yay me!! Here is to a continued clear path. I really just want to get over this hump.

My approach in the first month was to keep remembering that my new stomach was huge wound trying to heal in the most hostile environment going! Where else could high acid and bacteria happily live in the human body and you not be in danger of dieing?
Finding which liquids you can stand and getting enough liquids in is mission #1. Finding a way to get protein in is mission #2.
I has wicked nausea the first week, but my surgeon proscribed meds which knocked it down so that I could get enough fluids in. By the second week I was able to get my 64+ oz of liquid in. (Not it does not all have to be water. Broth, jello, decafe tea or coffee, and sugar Free popsicles, all count.)
I did find that my system stopped wanting anything sweet. For a while I could not gag anything sweeter than V8 juice down. Thank goodness for Unjury chicken soup flavor protein shakes. I still can't stand much, but a little once a day is tolerable.
Others have suggested the acid issue, and both medications and food solutions.
As for eating anything solid... I chose not to. The last thing I wanted was to give my new stomach any thing harder than it needed to that early.
I am now at the stage where adding in dense proteins is allowed, and even now I am careful about what I choose. I am trying new things but only 1 a day, chewing well and slowly. So far I haven't had any rejects. I do know what full is. So far I have managed to avoid the bite too many/system eject. However I have had the I may not have needed the last bite, discomfort, I need to walk around, runny nose, hot/cold/sweaty/dry, and generally don't DO THAT feeling.
Good luck! You will get through this phase and on to new adventures soon.

It is better to travel and get lost...
Than never to travel at all.
I am sure someone will give me some sh*t about this, but...
Two weeks out... eat the damn sausage if that's what you want. Chew the pasty hell out of it, but eat it. Add some mayo if you want to make it even easier to go down. Low carb, low sugar (certainly lower than milk), high protein, why not? Remember dietary fat does not make you fat...
My only reservation is it's a bit high in salt, but if you are eating only one, I doubt you will keel over and die. If it bothers your stomach, stop eating it.
Doctors and nutritionists are not gods. You only have to read a few posts on this board to realize that. Most don't even follow the ASMBS guidelines set as the industry standard. Heck, most can't even spell ASMBS.
Highest weight: 340
Surgery weight: 313
Surgery date: 10/24/11
Current weight 170... 170 pounds lost!!!!
I am not a doctor, but I play one at work.