Have a Surgery date!
Hi guys,
I've only written a few times because I'm new here, and to posting online in general, but I wanted to share my surgery date. I met with the surgeon on Monday and am booked for surgery on September 18th. I'm scheduled for a RNY, but my surgeon made sure to tell me that I can change my mind and opt for the VSG at anytime before then. I change my mind a few times a week about which one is better for me, so hopefully by the end of August I've finished the internal debate and settled on one.
I brought my husband with me to the visit because he had a lot of questions and he wanted to hear answers from the surgeon, not necessarily from me alone I guess. I'm glad that I brought him because he seems to understand that it's really happening now. I've been talking to him sporadically for a few years about WLS but he hasn't taken me seriously it seems because he said a few times in the surgeon's office and again in the car on the way home that this is all a surprise for him, and he hasn't really had time to process and learn about everything.
My surgeon was fairly neutral about which option would be better for me, but he did at one point explain that there's just many more years of proven success with RNY, and he likes to see his patients succeed in life-changing weight loss vs continue to struggle with perhaps other methods that are less well studied or proven. He doesn't do the band or DS, so it's either RNY or VSG for me.
So... I've just done the math and I'm 59 days from WLS. Too early to panic, but I can feel the anxiety starting to creep in around the edges of my rational/logical planning. For now, I'm focusing on getting back to the gym and losing as much weight as possible before surgery (as I write this, I haven't actually been to the gym in about 3 months, but tomorrow's another day!). I'm also reading the stories of others that have gone through this and listening to how they prepared for surgery, how people are dealing with time away from work and also how to navigate young children at home. I'm worried that two+ weeks without picking up my soon-to-be-toddler will be rough (for me likely much longer than for the baby).
That's it for now. Goodnight!

on 7/21/17 10:37 pm
I'm very excited for you! It sounds like you are making really good use of your pre-op time, which is excellent!
I too swung back and forth between VSG and RnY, finally settling on the latter. Then I swing back and forth between wanting the surgery and being completely freaked out by the idea! But by the time my surgery date arrived I was feeling very zen. I was at peace with my decision and had confidence in my surgeon, and went forward happily and without internal conflict, and had a truly positive experience.
Wishing you wonderful success!
But 8 WEEKS?! OMG! I hope my doc doesn't schedule me out that far! It's already driving me crazy that I waited the 8 weeks that I have! I made the decision to do it and Im more than ready now!
My surgeon wasn't neutral at all. He was REALLY pushing VSG hard! He told me that VSG is as good or better than RNY for overall weight lost and complications were less. He gave me this web site to research it too! Im just not seeing it. especially if you add all the VSG revisions to RNY to the complication column.
I have friends and family with the RNY and know my eating issues and had already done my research. He kept rescheduling me and each time would tell me to do more research. I finally walked in with a paper full of research for him and now im waiting for schedule date for RNY...