Traveling overseas (21 hour flight) 8 weeks after RNY?
Hey guys, i am booked to be traveling to europe in 8 weeks time, i had rny on the 7th of this month. I will be traveling with my daughter.. will it be safe to travel then? I think because right now i feel like crap it seems like i always will :( im getting severe anxiety about it.
I think you will feel fine. 6 weeks out was my "magic" number.
I would being a water bottle, some snacks -cheese sticks-almonds-beef jerky, and get up during the flight and WALK the isles.
Of course, let your doctor know your plans to keep them in the loop in case you have any side effects between now and then.
I'd also check to see if your medical insurance will cover you overseas in case of an emergency and if not, purchase the travelers insurance.

RNY surgery date 4-19-17
HW: 280 Surgery Weight: 262 CW: 165
(M1) 23 (M2) 8 (M3) 11 (M4) 9 (M5) 7 (M6) 9
You should be feeling pretty good in 8 weeks. I'd try for an aisle seat so you can get up and walk easier. Is the risk of blood clots greater for you over other passengers that aren't 2 months post-op? That's a question for your surgeon but mine didn't give it a second thought when I asked about flying at 10 weeks.
Your ability to eat more types of food will have expanded as well but be careful about that especially in the air. I have firsthand knowledge that an airplane bathroom is not a good place to be expelling foamies.
21 hours is a long 8 weeks out or 2 years out.... you need to bring your own food. You may be on 'food for life' portion and past all the stages....but the transition to solid food doesn't always go easily, it has its learning curve . So you really have to check, what snacks should can bring with you that will agree with you.
Why you usually do a lot of walking on vacation, and that makes up for some of the extra licks and bites, eight weeks out, is not the time to be doing that, on many levels. One because it is never easier to stick to the plan then in the beginning, and you want to lose the weight and two in the beginning you really never know what's gonna agree with you or not agree with you, and you don't want to be sick on vacation. So tread carefully, plan well, and have fun.
Cynthia 5'11" RNY 7/23/2014
Goal reached 17 months. 220lb Weight Loss
Plastic Surgery Dr. Joseph Michaels - LBL and Hernia Repair 2/29/16, Arm Lift, BL, 5/2/16, Leg Lift 7/25/16
#lifeisanadventure #fightthegoodfight #noregrets
I'm hoping to be helpful and I'm not on here much, so take this for whatever it's worth.
I wouldn't just take in consideration, your rny status, but how well you physically and mentally handled traveling before your gastric bypass both international and domestic travel.
In case with my unique makeup, I couldn't have handled physically or mentally an international flight after my rny. In my case, I had surgery in 12/2001. My son and I had summer passes to a local amusement park both before and after my rny.
While in some ways it was easier the Summer of 2002 to be on a roller coaster, than it was in Summer of 2001, because I took up less space, I could feel going roller coaster and flumes my newbie digestive system not liking it well, and the smells made me sick.
I didn't fly for the first time and it was domestic (I've only traveled internationally, once and that was 5 years before my rny in 2001) and it was 3 months after surgery and I tolerated it ok. When I traveled again, in 2004, not so much (both were a flight from minneapolis to miami or ft lauderdale. Other than one trip to Vegas in 2015, which I needed, the flight was not fun, the trip was okay, but as I've gotten a lot older, my anxiety has gotten a lot harder to control and I also have different triggers now for anxiety than I did before.
Point I'm trying to make, is go out of your rny status as part of the equation but don't discount it completely. Point I'm trying to make is I didn't struggle going to FL, 3 months after rny, but what triggered me medically and mentally changed from the time I went in 2/2002 to 3/2004. While I could handle an international flight from a comfort point of view, being smaller than I was then, I still am sensitive to smells and still have anxiety when on a plane.
I guess what I'm trying to say is, if you pardon the wordiness and the horrible pun, try to weigh out all the factors and whether you'd regret more of missing a potential trip of a lifetime or being sick in a foreign country and how that would effect you. In my case I'd opt for the latter. If you're more easygoing, haven't had any problems, know what you're physical and emotional capabilities are, you may regret not going.
I'm not trying to being negative. In my case, I'd rather be prepared of both best case and worst case scenarios, which I think is feedback you're looking for. I don't want you to miss out on anything as most wls peeps do feel their weight has limited them. At the same time, if you think there would be nothing scarier than being sick in a foreign country, that's something you need to give equal consideration to, before you get on an international flight, of what you might need to do that with your best medical and mental health, taken in consideration.
I hope both your trip and your wls journey goes smoothly.. Peace....