Anyone on here ten years or more out>
Hi All,
Just rejoined this group to support a close friend who's just had gastric roux-en-y. Got me to wondering if there were any others out there who have had their surgeries quite a while ago. I was bypassed on August 22, 2001 and my highest was 411 ...I'm 162 now and have maintained the loss +/- 30 lbs. I'd love to trade war stories and hear your thoughts.
I had my surgery may of 2002. ive been on the roller coaster since doing the surgery. at surgery date i was 330 pounds but got down to 197. shortly after that i started gaining weight again. no****ching as closely as i should have and got back up to 336 pounds. i had a heart scare 2/2016 and found out that i was retaining a lot of excess fluid. since my heart scare i have gotten back down to 243 pounds and am still trying to get back down even more.