What's on your Menu today (Thursday) RNYers?

on 6/29/17 4:36 am - Canada

Good morning :)

I'm off to school for a bit today. My school laptop battery won't charge so it's pretty useless at the moment. I think the issue is the chip that controls charging and not the battery. Hopefully it will be fixed under warranty.

We are planning to drive to Michigan tomorrow -- I believe a bit northwest of Detroit (New Hudson and Novi??). Anybody know of any good vitamin/protein/supplement/food stores in that area? We are driving from the Port Huron crossing, so we could stop in that area too :)

Accountability: I didn't really eat dinner last night. I wasn't hungry after soccer, so I just had a protein shake. I did however eat a piece of bread with peanut butter and SF jam. We also has the last of the cake pops last night.

QOTD: there is a really arrogant woman in my program. I had to have a meeting with her last week in which I was supposed to be training her as she is taking over my volunteer role. She wouldn't stop talking long enough for me to say anything... Then when we ran out of time she demanded another meeting. Uh, no. People refuse to work with her and have actually asked to move desks in the office to get away from her.

Breakfast - protein shake

Snack - peameal bacon

Lunch - turkey sausage

Snack - Greek yogurt

Dinner - beef roast

Snack - protein shake

All water and vits.

on 6/29/17 4:41 am
RNY on 12/05/16

I love reading these daily menu thoughts! You guys make my mornings, especially with the 'drive me crazy'! I immediately thought of one of my employees who is consistently whiny and is always questioning everyone. "But why, but what if, but I thought, but but but!" She went to buy her own shirt that she thought looked better (color isn't close and we provide employee shirts for the boat). Geesh! So much drama

Trying to get my walking in, but haven't been able to get to the gym in 3 weeks. We're looking for a new home port for the riverboat and all my time is devoted to meetings at the local marinas, and still marketing our cruises. I'm definitely sleeping good at night and eating/drinking well. My car looks like a portable grocery store for RNY patients! LOL

Breakfast: Fricks Canadian Ham; egg whites scrambled

Lunch: not sure, but probably grilled chicken, fresh tomato and cucumber

Dinner: crock pot tenderloin with 1/2 oz sweet potato w/cinnamon & nutmet

Snacks: Chocolate Protein shake; Skinny Popcorn cake (yummo!) and sugar free jello

Liquids all day. Humidity here at the beach will be higher today, so it's drink, drink, drink!

Have an awesome day!!

on 6/29/17 4:48 am
RNY on 02/19/16

Good Morning Daisy and Menu Family!

QOTD: Now that I'm "retired" I don't have to deal with co-workers, but when I was working I usually got along pretty well with all of my co-workers.

Accountability. Yesterday: Protein - 53, Calories - 785, Carbs - 98.


B: prosciutto & mozzarella sticks

L: Bird's Eye Voila Chicken Alfredo

D: hamburger with melted cheese

S: light & fit Greek yogurt

S: prosciutto & mozzarella sticks

Exercise: Walking Blossom around the subdivision

Have a FANTASTIC day everyone!

~ Karen

on 6/29/17 4:52 am
VSG on 11/19/14

Good morning Daisy and menu crew. Glad to hear you and amy are feeling better. I had a post ready yesterday and my boss walked in and I closed the browser and lost my post!

Accountability: I was really good again last night, did not get home until around 7 pm from the gym and DW was not home yet from staining our deck at camp, so I could the family tacos and made myself broiled scallops...YUM!

QOTD -I am only 4 months in and it has been interesting, I love my new job. Interesting learning the new people and personalities and laughing as people test me, it has been interesting to see how people will try to get me to see things in a certain way. I am learning who I need to watch. LOL

B - Pure protein bar

S - Greek light and fit

L - Tuna salad packet and almonds

S - Buddig meat

D - Unsure.

E - Gym night. I busted some butt last night. 3 miles and one mile was at 8:30 pace. Was warm in the gym and I sweat like crazy, love it.

Stay Healthy my friends! Mike

on 6/29/17 4:55 am

I don't work anymore. I was lucky and worked with great nurses...some over 30 years. You also had lots of different places to hang out.

I ate a banana with peanut butter x2

Trader Joe's meatloaf (blech)

London broil with mustard

And my favorite...good greek yogurt mixed with SF chocolate pudding.

And coffee and 2 coffee nips.

on 6/29/17 5:06 am - Bomoseen, VT
RNY on 03/23/16

Good morning Menu Family... First off thank you all for the love yesterday the past few weeks have been harder then I thought they would be but having all of you helps. . I feel better today as today is my Friday! Tomorrow is my birthday and my boss is making me take tomorrow off for my birthday. I have this woman that I work with who for the past 5 years has taken her vacation this week so I have to do month end on my birthday (means working until 6:30 or so) real nice woman she is. Well last year when she came back from vacation told my boss how she booked for this year already and he said well sorry you are not getting that week off next year it is about time Penny did not have to work late on her birthday. She was not happy and kind of through a temper tantrum I was kind of sad I was not here to see it!

Accountability: I did ok did not eat most of my lunch, but again fruit at bed time but I guess fruit is better than other things I could eat right? I was down another half a pound this morning! Not sure what is going on but ok...

QOTD: Daisy I am right with you on the flip flops I hate flip flops my office mate and I have a deal I don't eat bannanas in the office and she does not wear flip flops I hate the sound flip flop flippity flop.... But oh *****es in the office... I kind of mentioned one a little early on in my post... that one has been here for ever and seems to think she is irreplaceable. She does not do a lot spends hours staring out the window and eaves drops on conversations and the minute she hears even the littlest thing she can participate in she runs in the room. No one likes to talk to her. When I am out of the office she is supposed to be my back up and people will wait for me to be back or just call my cell because they do not want to deal with her. It is sad actually but then I hear she will have a few ****tails and start running her mouth about how great she is and I don't feel sorry for her...

My food for the day:

B: 4 slices of bacon and some cherries and decaf coffee

L: cottage cheese and deli ham

S: who knows my office mate said she was brining me a treat for my birthday

D: taco meat

Have a great day friends....

on 6/29/17 6:45 am
RNY on 08/11/14

Glad you're feeling better today and Happy Early Birthday!!!

RNY 8/11/14 with Dr. Kelvin Higa PS Lipectomy 4/12/17 with Dr. John Burnett HW291.4/CW165/GW150

on 6/29/17 10:49 am - Middletown, CT
VSG on 09/28/16

Happy Birthday!! Glad to hear that you are feeling better! :)

5'5" HW: 484, SW: 455,CW: 325

Surgeon, Darren Tishler

on 6/29/17 5:36 am - Brighton, IL

Good morning menu peeps. A cloudy humid day here in Illinois today. Lily and I have our brisk 3.2 miles in already and will do another mile after dinner. QOTD one of my volunteers in the food pantry drives me crazy. She constantly talks about herself and tells the same story a billion times. Sometimes I just have to walk away from her. Post op 4 years 10 months and weight at 118.4 today. Accountability last night featured an unplanned snack again--a little bun with peanut butter. They are now hidden in the bread box where they are out of sight. Making good choices every time is SO Hard! I will make today better though. Here's the food plan for maintenance today B 1/2 c steel cut oats with protein and peanut butter L 31/2 oz deli turkey and cheese 1/2 c green beans D 31/2 oz baked fish 1/2 c green beans S P3 Pak. Have a great day everyone and make some smart choices that move you one step closer to your goal! And that means me too.



on 6/29/17 5:36 am
RNY on 07/23/14

Good morning Daisy and menu crew. Still doing talk to text so please excuse typos an awkward grammar. I've been missing you guys, but have been finding posting hard and with family here it's just hard to get on.

Accountability: while I have been in baby land bliss I have been in Carb hell with all the snacks and the choices for dinner. My grill is broken so we can't even be grilling. Two nights ago they want to spaghetti, last night we had pizza. Although last night was magical took them to the North Shore beach eat our pizza there, it was the first time my granddaughter had ever been to a beach and she's like 16 months OMG she was so excited loved the water and no fear. Scales inching in the wrong way of course, some of that I know is water weight but still you know how we hate that.

My birthday is in July and then never here, so tonight we are going to go out to dinner to celebrate. My son from another mother is coming out from the city as well, one of my sons best friends. So we're going to the Steamroom which is up on the harbor it is sort of an outdoor café place overlooking the boats coming in and out. So keep the kids occupied too I love going out in the summer very casual, but Thursdays is buy one lobster get one free. So I can always get behind lobster. And no carbs required!

B: latte, eggs with cheese

L: meaty ricotta bake

D: lobster

s: protein drink TBD, cottage cheese or yogurt and blueberries

Cynthia 5'11" RNY 7/23/2014

Goal reached 17 months. 220lb Weight Loss
Plastic Surgery Dr. Joseph Michaels - LBL and Hernia Repair 2/29/16, Arm Lift, BL, 5/2/16, Leg Lift 7/25/16

#lifeisanadventure #fightthegoodfight #noregrets



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