Losing my gallbladder
I'm less than 7 months out and my gallbladder is coming out Friday. I've had terrible problems with pain in my side, constipation, ridiculous burping and extreme fatigue. Just feel sick. Ultrasound revealed sludge and my surgeon told me I'm apparently one of the "lucky " people Ursidol doesn't work on. I'm terrified. Had a serious complication during RNY where I almost died. I'm not exaggerating. I understand that gallbladder problems are common after RNY and significant weight loss, but that's not helping my fear.
thanks for listening.

I had my gallbladder out before RNY and it was so easy. It was actually one of the reasons I was so gung ho to have another surgery.
Then after RNY I recall thinking to myself "Boy if you told me I'd have to have my gallbladder removed after having RNY I'd probably cry"
but that does illustrate how much easier the lap chole is. I was having gallbladder attacks which cause horrific pain. Even morphine wouldn't crack that pain.
My GI tract responded quite well to the improved flow of bile. I didn't expect that.
Good luck!
I had my gallbladder removed in January. I was in so much pain I could not do anything. There was some complications with my liver during surgery, it bleed a little more than the doctor would have liked so I ended up spending on night in the hospital just for them to monitor me. Came home with pain pill too two or three and was done. I feel so much better no that it is gone.