RNY surgery 6-6-17 , So far so good
on 6/10/17 4:13 pm - NY
I had RNY surgery on Tuesday 6-6-17 . I had a few ruff days after surgery. Every time I drank I threw it up along with the dry blood from the surgery . Which was quite scarey . Dr told me it's because everything inside was swollen . By the 3rd day I only threw up in the morning after trying to take my meds. And didn't throw up again . I just had the worst acid reflux , which I had prior to surgery . Came home on day 4. Otherwise I'm in no pain , I feel like myself, just taking it easy. Today day 5 I've introduced yogurt , a protein shake and farina into the mix So far so good .

So glad to hear you're doing better! Your experience so far has really put mine in perspective. My surgery was on 06/05 and I'm still feeling a lot of pain but I haven't had any vomiting or reflux, thankfully. The head hunger has been killer, though. I'm on strictly clear liquids until next Thursday so it's going to be a challenge, but I know I can get through it!

RNY on 06/05/17
on 6/11/17 6:56 am - NY
Wags1231 - sorry to hear you're still in pain. I think I just have a high tolerance for pain, When I had my hysterectomylast year I was back to work in five days, and I'm a hairdresser ?? I did pu**** . That's why I'm taking it a bit slower after this surgery. I tend to forget that my insides need to heal .
This morning hada 1/4 cup of farina for breakfast, and tend to eat fast cuz it's so thin I felt full a few bites in, so I put it down and did some chores and kept going back to it till I finished it . I'm wondering if I can have some pea soup I had some in my freezer I guess I can purée it make it smooth and possibly straight it.

Hey Bigred922;
I had my RNY the day after you and I am basically my usual self except if I have been up and walking for more than 40 mins. So glad you are feeling better! Looks like a good start to the rest of our lives :D

Referral: NOV/16 Info Sess: DEC/16 OptiFAST: 3wks started May 17/17 OR: RNY June 7/17
HW:278 SW:252 1stGW:220 2ndGW:200 3rdGW:170 GW:150
Weight Management Clinic - Ottawa
on 6/11/17 6:59 am - NY
Jackie s - glad to hear you feel like yourself ð?'? Today I'm going to Walmart to get out of the house, I have to remember not to over do it with the walking .

Congratulations, and welcome to the loser's bench. I'm so sorry you had such a rough go of it, but glad things are looking up now!

Pre-Op Visit: Jan. 10, 2017, weight 304, surgeon: Dr. David Lindsay, St. Joe's, Toronto
1st Day of (3 weeks worth of) Optifast: Jan. 11, 2017
Surgery Date: Feb. 1st, 2017