Feel like I'm starving
It's only a week, you'll get through it. Make sure you get your protein shakes in (I'm assuming you are drinking protein shakes), and minimum of 64 ounces (that includes your shakes) of fluids, that will help. My liquid diet also allowed sugar free jello and sugar free popsicles. Get in all you can. For me, the life saver was a good rich beef bone broth.
You're also probably feeling a lot of gas and stomach acid that mimics hunger, you can't really feel anything as your stomach nerves have all just been cut. A lot of it is probably head hunger.
Not sure what kind of pre-op regimen you were on, but if it's any consolation, I had 2 weeks of clear liquids and protein shakes before surgery, and one week after. So 21 whole days with not even yogurt. If I can do it, you can to!!
Hang in there, and remember it's the beginning of a brand new life!
Hey Jvin,
I too had surgery on Monday and today was the first day I felt any kind of hunger and man, did it come on strong! My mom is in town helping out and made a huge batch of spaghetti for my husband and kids and I literally picked up a fork and had it to my lips before finally realizing I was about to make a huge mistake. So I jumped on here and searched "hungry post-op" and a lot of the posts I read said the same thing. They said that the hunger feeling and stomach "gurgling" (which mine has been doing nonstop) is probably from stomach acid and that I need to take a PPI (acid reducer). I hadn't taken mine since I got home from the hospital because it was under my dresser out of my reach, and I never remembered it when someone was around to get it for me! So long story long, I took it tonight and the hunger feeling has subsided drastically! I'm so relieved because I too am on clear liquids until next week and I was really starting to freak out. I hope this quick fix can work for you too!

RNY on 06/05/17