DAY 4 - AMAW/CAMAW - post your menu here!
on 6/8/17 5:03 am
Good morning Meat Coordinator and meat munching friends!
Can't believe it's day 4 already. I can't believe I have been on here so much while working ... HAHAHAHA. I like to think that I get paid to post on the internet...
My "Aha" moment this week: I never thought it could happen -- but I think I am ready to stop using cream/milk in my coffee forever. I wouldn't have even tried to do this weren't it for Meat Week!
I am beef-heavy today, which ups my calories slightly. I have not taken iron for 4 days because I am going in for my iron blood work today to see if I am low enough for my infusion yet. I am really feeling it -- and hoping that I am where I need to be for the insurance to pay for it again -- but eating heavily on beef often helps to give me a bit of a boost when I am so low.
Have a great day, all!
Years out: 3.7 years doing AMAW
Weight as of this morning: 134.5 (down 3.5 pounds)

"What you eat in private, you wear in public." --- Kat
on 6/8/17 5:01 pm
Does yours go through batteries like crazy?
I use rechargeable and I have to charge every three days!!
**full disclaimer: I stupidly tried to wa**** and got the battery compartment wet once -- so it's probably my fault!

"What you eat in private, you wear in public." --- Kat
Good morning :)
CAMAW is still going well for me and I'm down another pound today (four total so far). I'm planning to continue eating this way until next Friday (wish me luck lol). My SO was not on board for CAMAW per se, but he wanted to lose weight. The spaghetti and cake last night would suggest he's not totally on board right now ;)
Last night I had soccer and injured my thigh muscle. Boo. This is so typical for me. It's like grade 9 gym class all over again. So embarassing.
Tonight I'm going to my friends' wedding venue for a food tasting. I asked them last night if it would be okay if I just sampled the meat portion. Their reply was "eww, yuck, who would eat the veggies anyways?" And that wasn't sarcasm. They are super slim and eat very unhealthy. So I'm good for staying on plan tonight.
Breakfast - Greek yogurt, SF syrup
Snack - turkey bacon
Lunch - ham and melted cheese
Snack - turkey chicken sausage
Dinner - maybe peameal bacon??
Snack - protein shake if needed
All water and vits.
Good Morning everyone!!! another pound loss totaling 3 lbs :)
No picture for me today since I am at work and can't upload it. Here is my menu...
B: ham & chees roll up, coffee with milk and fiber powder
MS: Skyer yogurt
L: 1 egg, 1/2 slice of bacon, 1/2 oz cheese & 3 oz of meat balls
AS: Turkey bite, laughing cow cheese
D: Inside blade beef stake 2 oz
ES: Protein shake
CAL: 897 / CARB: 25gr / FAT: 43gr / PROTEIN: 99 gr
Good morning guys!
I feel SO good today - I woke up with energy (mind you I went to bed around 8:30 last night so that might have something to do with it...). Yesterday was a work day so I spent the day sculpting to fill some orders and finished out the day by meeting my husband for lifting at the Y. He lifts more than I do (he's been lifting longer) but just to try it I did 5 squats with the same amount he did and I surprised myself by being able to do it. I'm starting to notice changes in my core strength and arms, and I must admit after we're done I feel pretty badass.
I'm not sure I've had an 'aha' moment in the last few days other than I like how full dense protein keeps me AND I got on the scale this morning and was pleasantly surprised that I'm down 4.8lbs since starting . I see my doctor on the 15th and I think she'll be quite happy with how I'm doing since she mentioned I would need to be careful between band-removal and RNY to not gain (and it's been HARD you guys....SO hard, no restrictions, no feeling full....gah!).
Countdown to RNY: 13 days!
B: Coffee w/Milk, Bacon
S: Cheese
L: Leftover Sirloin Tips
S: Greek Yogurt or Deviled Eggs (I need to make them) because Daisy's pictures looked yummy!
D: Italian Sausage
Have a great day guys!

Banded: 9/14/06
Band Removal: 3/15/17
Revision to RNY: 6/21/17!!!
I'd be unstoppable if not for law enforcement & physics