Lapband removed, onto RNY

on 6/7/17 3:43 am

Hello friends,

Continuing on my journey after a failed lap band. It slipped twice and I had esophagitis from chronic reflux.

Question- did anyone ever find a small liver tumor during a procedure? Mine was about an inch in diameter and appeared to be soft, white,almost like a lipoma. Any experience you can offer would help.

on 6/7/17 6:01 am
RNY on 06/20/17 with

I have my revision in a couple of weeks. Who knows what they will find. Good for you though, it's found and dealt with and onto RNY.

on 6/7/17 7:09 am
RNY on 12/21/16

Congratulations on moving closer to your goal!

Cysts/growths/nodules are extremely common in the liver. They are typically found incidentally and are most often nothing worrisome. Did they take a biopsy or just make note of it?

(deactivated member)
on 6/7/17 7:26 am
RNY on 09/22/16

Especially found in those of us with fatty livers - unless your Doc had a concern, nothing unusual at all.


(deactivated member)
on 6/7/17 7:40 am
RNY on 04/18/17

Congrats on getting that infernal contraption out of your body! Godspeed on the RNY. I think you will be so happy with that choice. I am amazed each day how much easier it is than the band! And RNY isn't "easy" in the literal sense of the word, so that should tell anyone who has not had the band what a difficult experience it was. You will be able to swallow, food will go down and not get stuck, you won't feel like an ogre is twisting your esophagus at all hours of the day, you won't have to sleep sitting up. You will know when you are full, and you shouldn't feel hunger pangs. I have not felt a hunger pang for 7 weeks. I have to make myself stop and try to eat a few ounces. This is how my diet pills used to work for me, but of course, I couldn't stay on those! I am very happy with this choice and only wish I had bypassed the band for a bypass ten years ago.

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