What's on your Saturday menu RNYers?
Morning Weekenders!
Heading to the farm today to check on the hops! And have a turkey dinner! I guess this delayed summer were dealing with in Ottawa is getting to my mom haha. Think my sister is bringing the baby for his first road trip!
qotd: what's your earliest childhood memory?
Mine was about 3.5 years old at mc Donald's on our way to the hospital to pick up my mom and new sister. The hamburgler was there, and ducked behind our booth, and we both popped our heads up at the same time. And scared me. I freeeaaaked out haha.
B: premiere protein
L/D: tbd but turkey for sure!
have a good day everyone!

RNY Sept 8, 2016
M1:23, M2 :18, M3 :11, M4 :19, M5: 13, M6: 12, M7: 17, M8: 11, M9: 11.5, M10: 13, M11: 10, M12: 10 M13 : 7.6, M14: 6.9, M15: 6.7
Good morning!! Did you see that did you did you! I actually got to write GOOD Morning, this makes me happy. Right now I am enjoying my weekly cup full caff coffee(sorry to those going caff free) writing this and catching up with you all. In other words a little bliss for Penny Today is going to be a busy day this morning I am going to hit some practice golf balls and then we are going to make a run to BJ's as my supply of toilet paper is getting low(we are down to two big packages and that does not include the one I have hidden and my husband does not know about) for some reason I have this obsession with running out of toilet paper maybe because growing up we always seemed to run out that I decided not going to happen as an adult! I am also on the hunt for some sandals now that my feet are not swollen I can wear some but I have two pet peeves nothing between my toes and nothing that makes a flip flop noise I hate the flip flop noise! And since the store I am going to is the Bass factory outlet store in Lake George it would be such a sin not to at least look in the other stores right? I mean I'm right there on what they call the million dollar mile I should at least take a look around and see what sales they have going on you never know?
Awe food:
B: Coffee 2 slices of bacon and 2 scrambled egg whites
L: Cheeseburger no bu
D: Do not know yet we are eating out.
Have a wonderful Saturday all! The weather here in VT is supposed to be beautiful I hope it is nice wherever you are and remember if you can't be good be good at it!

QOTD: Completely forgot to answer... I have this very odd memory from when I was very young like two or three years old of walking into the bathroom while my dad was shaving the old fashion way with the razor and shaving cream and me going boo to my dad and him chasing me around the house to cover me with shaving cream! I also remember my mom getting mad because we there was that white shaving cream everywhere. Memories like that make me smile...

Good morning! We are hoping for sun on Cape Cod, but I think it will be in short supply this weekend. Thanks for the accountability of this thread. Though my eating was mostly good yesterday, it is a challenge this week with funerals and family.
QOTD: My first memory is around age 3 when I found my brother on the ground after falling out of a tree. He had ruptured his spleen and my mother had me kiss him goodbye before surgery. All the tubes and hospital stuff (and probably my sense that my parents were afraid he wouldn't survive) made the memory indelible. My brother did make it through btw.
B: eggbeaters and cottage cheese
L: tuna salad, picked and cottage cheese
D: swordfish (I hope - asked chef son to get us some)
S: nut thins and hummus
Liz 5'3" HW: 219 SW: 185 GW: 125 LW: 113 Desired maintenance range: 120-125 CW: 119ish
Good Morning Insert Fitness and Menu Family!
QOTD: My earliest childhood memory is from when I was 18 months old and there was a FIRE in my crib! I only remember bits and pieces of it, but my mom said she was having trouble getting me to go to sleep at night and Dr. Spock said to put me to bed and "just let me cry it out". On this night, the first time she tried this method, I cried and cried, until my mom decided my cries sounded like more than the typical, "I don't want to go to sleep" cries and went in and checked on me ... and my crib sheets were on fire! Apparently I had pulled a night light into bed with me and it caught the pillow case on fire. I remember being set up on top of the tall chest of drawers and looking in the mirror and seeing a burned hole in my footie pajamas. I also remember seeing the dogs' water bowls (which is what they used to put out the fire) and my favorite (burned) pillow case in the bathtub after the fire.
B: prosciutto & mozzarella sticks
L: lettuce, chicken, low cal dressing
D: rib-eye steak
S: light n fit Greek yogurt - (I tried a new flavor called caramel apple pie and it is SO good and only 80 calories!)
Exercise: Walking Blossom around the subdivision
Have a WONDERFUL Weekend everyone!
~ Karen