Burps and Hicupps and Nausea
Hey all! I wanted to say thanks for all the encouragement. I'm home and feeling significantly better.
heres my question: did you get lots of burps and hicupps the first week post op? I keep getting this tightness/ pressure in my chest right before I either hicupp or burp. It goes away right after, but dang it hurts. I have my 1 week apt on Monday, so I'll double check then. Just wanted to see if this happened to anyone else.
also, I unfortunately started experiencing nausea with drinking water. I found sucking on ice cubes doesn't bother me as much though, so ive just been sucking on ice all day long in a sad attempt to stay hydrated. How long did y'all struggle with this?
I was sort of having the same problem, and was told to stop chewing gum and drinking out of straws. I am 5 weeks out and doing much better,also be sure to take your med for nausea it really helped me.

I'm not doing either, so unfortunately that's not my issue. Thanks though! And yes, that med for nausea is just about the only thing getting me through right now! Haha! praise the Lord for modern medicine.
I didn't have this- the tightness/pressure is odd- could be a sign that you maybe ate/drank to fast. burps I wouldn't mind so much since that's a sign trapped gass is moving around/out. Hiccups is a bit odd, but that and the burping may also be a sign of being full. Many have said they get physical symptom (i.e. Runny nose) when they are full.
I only had nausea when I ate certain things. I think sucking on ice is a great idea. Sugar free popsicles are another options.

5'6.5" High weight:337 Lowest weight:193/31 BMI: Goal: 195-205/31-32 BMI
I had this, too. It gets better with time, try taking the tiniest sips possible. I also just let ice melt in my mouth for the first couple of weeks, it was very soothing somehow. The nausea was awful for me for about 2 months, I thought it was permanent, but it did eventually pass. I still get slight nausea if I go too long without food, apparently it's my new hunger signal. -sigh-
Still, no regrets. :)
Take your time, heal up, and keep sipping-walking-resting!

49/F 4' 11" Highest Wt. 183.8--Surgery Wt. 173.0--Current Wt. 115.2--Goal Wt. 115.0
I suffered from nausea after gallbladder surgery and definitely after RNY. Not exactly like seasick nausea where you want to die but a more subtle version. Honestly I think it's the anasthesia which takes a long time to rid itself from our bodies. And obviously the trauma done to our GI tract plays a role.
Do you have actual hiccups or is more like a hiccup like burp?
Its like a burp that fails at being a burp, so it gives up and becomes a hiccup. If that makes sense? lol.
Actually.... it does because I'm familiar with it! I just never quite put the phenomenon into words like you did. Lol
Bottom line is you've got air in your system. If it's not related to eating it could be from too much "mouth breathing"
I can't speak for all obese folks but my obesity made me a crappy breather. And it was totally subconscious.