H pylori
Yes, I had H. Pylori many years ago. Sometimes it is hard to get rid of. You need to be sure to take all your meds... as prescribed. I had to take 2 types of antibiotics and an antacid for several weeks. I think its a bacteria. H. Pylori can be miserable, I was. Gives you ulcer and GERD symptoms. You might just have a stubborn case of it.
Hoping you get better soon. !!

Revision Lap Band to RNY Approved 5/10/17 Surgery Date 6/6/2017
I literally just found out today I have h.pylori as well. They started me on 2 different antibiotics and an anti acid reflux med. I need to follow up in 6 weeks and pray to God it clears up. I feel like its been setback after setback this year but maybe the timing just isnt right. Either way I share your frustration and look forward to some advice as well