Losers Bench!
I got out of surgery at 12:30. All went well! No nausea and very miniumul has pain. Doc said my liver looked beautiful. Yay for following the liquefied diet even when I was desperately craving a sub sandwich.
it doesn't hurt to lie down. But I almost started crying when I tried standing. Then I did start crying when I went to the bathroom and I couldn't pee. I feel like I really have to go but I can't get anything out. It hurts.
biggest things nurses are worried about is that I'm not breathing much per minute. Also I'm crying at the drop of a hat and feel very anxious. Not sure what that's about.
Overall though, doing okay.
edot: if this is confusing blame the drugs lol
Also I think I may have flirted with my surgeon right after surgery. Embarrassing. But also no regrets because he's a total babe lol
Congratulations on a successful surgery!
The first few weeks are hard. I remember how awful it felt to have to go from sitting to standing, or standing to sitting, and the toilet was the absolute worst. Don't feel bad about crying; some people respond to the pain meds and the anesthetic like that. I swore like a trucker every time I had to get on or off the toilet for 2 weeks, lol. And I don't normally swear!
I found holding a pillow against my tummy whenever I needed to move, walk, or shift positions in bed really helped.
I couldn't pee at first unless I sat for a very long time, with the water in the sink running, while reading a book to distract myself (a bit) from the pain. The nurse said it was from the anesthesia.
Good luck!

Pre-Op Visit: Jan. 10, 2017, weight 304, surgeon: Dr. David Lindsay, St. Joe's, Toronto
1st Day of (3 weeks worth of) Optifast: Jan. 11, 2017
Surgery Date: Feb. 1st, 2017