Surgery was approved
Hello everyone,
I'm new here I had my last appointment May 1st and she was putting in my authorization for my surgery. I called today because of an insurance claim and because I'm nosey I asked about my authorization. They stated it was approved. Now my dilemma is do I call my bariatric surgeon and say my insurance says it was approved or do I wait for them to call me?

Call now. Be aggressive. Let them know you want this to happen ASAP
I was was very aggressive throughout the whole process and I had my surgery scheduled basically at the minimum time allowed by Aetna. I actually had a surgery date prior to being officially approved. Then 2 weeks prior to surgery day the coordinator sent me an email saying they needed to postpone it for a month. I said I really couldn't. I asked if they could ask someone else to reschedule or just move my date up. I was in the OR a week later.
Now when I go to Riviera Maya in a few weeks time no one is going to mistake me for a beached manatee.
No question is a dumb question. :) I was employed by my surgeon's office. I was the one responsible for checking with your insurance company to see exactly what they required for approval, whether it be a 3, 6 or 12 month supervised diet. I also scheduled all of the appointments with the dietician and with behavioral health. I sent referrals to cardiologists, primary care physicians and any other physicians required for clearance. After all of this is received, I submitted to your insurance company for approval. If you were denied then I would find out why and try to fix. Sometimes it was as easy as just resubmitting some paperwork and some required a peer to peer with the surgeon. And then finally, I would schedule your EGD and give you your surgery date. Always loved making that call!