Had my surgery on Tuesday
I also had a hiatal hernia repair. Getting that fixed and stopping the acid reflux was almost as beneficial as losing 140 pounds. It did make it SOOOOOOOO MUCH MORE IMPORTANT TO TAKE TINY BITES AND CHEW CHEW CHEW. THis is important for any RNY patient, but even more important for those of use hwo get RNY and the hernia repair.
Good news is that the research shows that hernia repairs have better long term success when done with an RNY than when just done on its own.
Hi. I was originally scheduled for 6/5/17. However, someone canceled and I was offered an earlier date of 5/4/17. Of course I jumped on it to get it out the way but didn't realize I would have to start the liquid diet the very next morning. I was only given 6 days advance notice! At first it was okay but as the date neared I struggled. I didn't eat (Thank Hod) and got discharged 4 days ago. Stayed n hospital 2 days. But now although I want to eat or drink as required (blenderized foods) my body won't let me. My mouth is very sore (guessing from the tubes). The smell of my favorite foods now make me nauseous. I pray this just a phase. Everyone is different. I'm sure with a good support team you will do just fine. The pain meds help but soon you will get tired of sleeping all day. Best of luck. Almost tthere