What's on your Saturday menu RNYers?
Good Morning Menu Family!
It SNOWED (a lot) here in Nebraska yesterday!!! Bizarre! It melted before the day was over, though. We could get more snow tomorrow.
QOTD: I am grateful that my liver enzymes have returned to normal and that my blood pressure is better and my entire health is better. I am thankful that my feet, knees and back don't hurt like they used to and I'm not out of breath when I walk any more.
I did a DNA test on my dog, Blossom and got the results back yesterday! I was just sure she had Golden Retriever in her, but nope! She is 37.5% Saint Bernard, 25% mixed breed of unknown, 12.5% Pomeranian, 12.5% ****er Spaniel and 12.5% American Staffordshire Terrier. Here's a picture of her:
I can see traits of all of those breeds in her. It was very interesting.
B: prosciutto & mozzarella sticks
L: lettuce, chicken, cheese, low cal dressing
D: taco meat & cheese
S: light n fit Greek yogurt
Exercise: Walking Blossom around the subdivision
Have a great day everyone!
~ Karen

Good morning weeKendall menu peeps. Coming to you from Sparta Illinois home of the World Shooting Complex. Match will most likely be rained out today as was my walk with Lily due to rain all night and continuing even now. Torrential rain I might add. But at least I'm not at home. Hopefully we'll get a break at some point and we can get some walking in. Lily is terrified of storms so you can imagine what the RV in rain is like to her. We carry a folding crate for use when needed but she found another spot that feels safe to her--the shower. She's quite content in there now even with thunder and lightening and is laying on the bag of dirty clothes like a pillow. Snug as a bug in a rug as my grandpa used to say. I'm thankful for my surgery every single day. I love having all the energy I need even after a busy tiring day and I love looking good in any clothes I choose to wear. I wish the extra skin was gone but it is what it is and I can live with it. I can't pick just thing I'm thankful for so there you are. Post op 4 years 8 months today and no weight as there is no camper scale. Here's the eats B 1/2 c steel cut oats with protein and peanut butter added L 31/2 oz deli turkey and cheese 1/2 c green beans D 31/2 oz ribeye 1/2 c carrots S P3 Pak. I do think backing off on the protein bars has made the urge to snack less so I'll stay away from them for a while and maybe use only on rare occasions. Have a great day everyone and make some smart and conscious choices that move you one step closer to your goals! Photo of Lily in her safe spot!