I have my Surgery date! Need some Encouragement and advice.
I know there are many weight loss grads out there so please offer some advice for the first month after surgery. I would appreciate some tricks that helped you, or something that helped with your protein intake etc..
I want to say thank you for any help given. I am a little nervous and excited at the same time. I am getting my things in order and getting ready for my big day.....
Hi bellen78,
Congratulations on your upcoming surgery!
Best advice, take it one day at a time, don't stock up on a ton of stuff/food before hand as your taste will change and most importantly "make sure you have it right between your ears before re-arranging your plumbing".
Here are some links to information you may find helpful:
http://www.obesityhelp.com/articles/photographing-your-weigh t-loss-surgery-journey
http://www.obesityhelp.com/articles/weight-loss-surgery-hosp tial-stay-what-to-pack
http://www.obesityhelp.com/articles/four-on-the-floor-self-c are-after-weight-loss-surgery
We can't wait to hear from you post-op!
HW:330 - GW:150 - MW:118-125
RW:190 - CW:130
Hi bellen78,
Congratulations on your upcoming surgery!
Best advice, take it one day at a time, don't stock up on a ton of stuff/food before hand as your taste will change and most importantly "make sure you have it right between your ears before re-arranging your plumbing".
Here are some links to information you may find helpful:
http://www.obesityhelp.com/articles/photographing-your-weigh t-loss-surgery-journey
http://www.obesityhelp.com/articles/weight-loss-surgery-hosp tial-stay-what-to-pack
http://www.obesityhelp.com/articles/four-on-the-floor-self-c are-after-weight-loss-surgery
We can't wait to hear from you post-op!
I didn't even think about tastes changing. What about popcicles and stuff for the "clear" days - did you stock on any of those?
You can buy a few things but I can't tell you how many times I see posts where pre-op they have their fridge and pantry stocked with all the "suggested" foods and then they come home and gag on most. Buy a few things and unless you are going to be home bound and no one can go out and shop wait to stock up until you know what is going to work for you.... Congrats!
HW:330 - GW:150 - MW:118-125
RW:190 - CW:130
Congrats on having your date!
This policy may vary from hospital to hospital, but mine would not allow me to wear my wedding ring due to swelling of the fingers with the IV fluids they pump in. I had to have my ring cut off with a ring cutter in Urgent Care the night before my surgery because nothing else worked. :( If I had known earlier I might have been able to have time to get it off, but I only found out the afternoon before surgery and my initial attempts to get it off left it too swollen for anything else to work in time.
My bed is higher off the ground than normal, so I needed a stepstool for getting in and out of bed the first week or so. (I think I can do it now without, but I'm still using it sometimes). It was something I hadn't even thought about until I got home and looked at the bed and went... nope. Too high.
Ask at the hospital for some of the supplies you might need. Mine sent me home with gauze and tape for my drain dressing changes, as well as a pill cutter. (still ended up having to buy a couple boxes of gauze, but the perforated tape roll was awesome)
I rotate through my purees so I don't get sick of them. At 2 oz at a time, it takes awhile to get through a can of soup. :) And we haven't had to buy that much soup for the same reason. I can't get anywhere near all my protein in unless I sprinkle unflavored protein powder into my pureed soup.
It'll be liquids and purees for awhile, and for me I don't notice a full feeling. Unless I drink too much or too fast, and then UGH I feel sick for awhile. So I measure and stick to 2-4 oz at a time, sip sip sip slowly slowly slowly.
When everything else tasted terrible (too sweet! too salty! ugh!) peppermint herbal tea was a nice soothing break from either. (I am looking forward to Friday when I can have decaf regular tea and decaf coffee again, pouch permitting)
I am not a robe-wearer in general but post surgery I've found a new fondness for my fleece robe. I don't know why. Cozy and comforting? Easy to get on and off?
Have a box of tissues ready. Many of us have a bit of an emotional rollercoaster ride after surgery. It's weird, but it happens.
Don't weigh yourself right when you come home from the hospital. Or if you do, prepare to see your weight be higher than day of surgery.

Band removal & RNY Feb 1 2017
Congrats on getting your date. I think the best advice I have is to use this time to read and research here. After surgery you will be concentrating on sipping water and walking and the sooner you can get on track with those two things the better. I was very tired the first week and a half and started to get more energy once I was able to add vitamins. Good luck and make sure to visit here often.
Congratulations on your surgery next week! I can imagine how excited and nervous you are because I'm right there with you. My surgery date is March 7 and I feel the exact same way.
I obviously haven't had WLS yet, but I have had a c-section so I'm very familiar with the recovery. My first suggestion is to get moving as soon as you can and as often as you can without over-doing it. That seemed to help a ton with my recovery! It will get easier and easier, quicker and quicker. I just had my Pre-Op Education Class yesterday and made sure that the same rule applied to this surgery and it was confirmed.
I would maybe do some of your Post-Op shopping (clears) that way it's there when you get home and you don't have to worry about sending someone to the store.
Other than that, just imagine 3 months from now and that should help ease your nerves a bit. :)
Congrats on your surgery. I have all my clears for the first 2 weeks. I have my house in order and my preop appt is tomorrow. I hope I will feel less anxious after tomorrow.