Bathroom scale recommendation anyone?
My scale is driving me crazy! Not because it's not moving in the direction I'd like - but because it's so inaccurate.
The Fella and I each had digital scales when we got married in the fall, so both have been living in the bathroom. At some point I decided to compare the two and now do so regularly because... why wouldn't I? There's no rhyme or reason - sometimes they're as much as five pounds different, others only half a pound AND it isn't consistently one with a higher reading, it can be either AND sometimes each weighs differently just 30 seconds apart.
I'd like a new scale. I'm thinking I might want to go back to a good old analog/dial scale. Does anyone have a recommendation?
RNY @ Temple University Hospital, Philadelphia with Dr. Tatyan Clark 3/18/2014
Hi Anny.. I have the Aria scale made by FitBit and it regulates itself and seems to be very accurate for me at least. It also can integrate with the app Baritastic and myFitnessPal as well. A bit pricey but I do enjoy it.

Referral: Jan 2016 Orientation: Apr 2016 Nurse/Nutritionist/Physio/Social Worker: Jun 2016 Meet Surgeon Telehealth: Aug 25/16 Meet Surgeon Toronto: Oct 5/16 Surgery Date: Nov 2/16
Oh....I had been thinking of the Aria for a bit, but then I got so frustrated by the digital scales I wrote it off! I'm glad to hear your experience has been positive.
RNY @ Temple University Hospital, Philadelphia with Dr. Tatyan Clark 3/18/2014
I have the EatSmart acale that Amazon sells for avout $35. It has been very accurate.

Well I can recommend one you NOT get: The
Etekcity Digital Body Weight Scale with Step-On Technology, 400 Pounds, Elegant Black Sold by: Etekcity It showed me as 5 lbs higher than my previous scale when I first got it, a few months ago. I figured maybe the old scale was off, and was glad for the new source of truth. Well, I weigh myself naked, after peeing, first thing in the morning. When I was at the doctor a couple of weeks ago, their scale showed me 3 lbs LOWER than my scale, after coffee and breakfast, with clothes on! So now I don't know what to believe. I will follow this thread and see what people recommend, since apparently I need a new one too.I got this one off amazon last month when it was $25 ilpage_o08_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
I don't totally hate it, it does body fat, bmi - the bluetooth isnt automatic, you have to click on the app, then hop on the scale.
to be honest, I still use my 11 year old glass weigh****cher one - it does bmi/fat too but no BT and kind of outdated.
on 2/7/17 11:22 am
My only comment is spend a little money. Not crazy money, but buy a good scale. Years ago before the "Biggest Loser" craze and there weren't really any scales that go over 500 pounds, I bought a commercial scale on sales for $300. Think the kind of scale that Weigh****chers has in their facilities. You could probably get the same quality for $100 or less now. But my point is spend a little to get the best quality you can afford. My scale will likely last my lifetime and it is accurate to within .2 pounds. I've tested it annually with one of my weights from my exercise equipment. Spot on every time.