When do we start losing weight?
The emotions thing is REAL! I have heard that part of it is because your body starts processing stores of fat...fat holds hormones...so your body ends up with wacky fluctuations of hormones that have been hiding out inside you for years. White knuckle it through...it get so much better. Before you know it you will be feeling so much better than you have in years.
Trust the process.

Consultation weight: 265, Surgery date: 10/6/15, Goal: 150, Current weight: 129; 5'5, 46 years old
"I am basically food's creepy ex-girlfriend. I know we can't be together anymore but I just want to spend time hanging out" ~me, about why I love cooking so much post WLS
Hi Renee,
You're still holding a lot of gas and fluids and you are swollen inside, so it will take time for that to go down. I had surgery on Feb. 1st and weighed myself this morning for the first time and am down 9.8 Ibs. I am sure if I had weighed myself earlier in the week, there would have been no loss as my stomach was full of air and sticking out like crazy, way more so than before surgery.
I am sorry you are feeling weepy. I was told that our hormones go out of wack because as we lose, the fat releases chemicals that affect our moods.
I am only going to weigh myself once per week.
How are you feeling other than that? Are you having a lot of pain? I had a real problem with one of my incisions giving me brutal pain every time I moved, at first. Now it only hurts when I go from standing to sitting. I still need to hold a pillow against me to do that. I also can't do the stairs so am living in an upstairs bedroom, close to the washroom, for the next few days. My parents are bringing my my premier protein and water, and i have my laptop and phone next to me so I'm good. Last night was my first night home and it feels so good to be home again.

Pre-Op Visit: Jan. 10, 2017, weight 304, surgeon: Dr. David Lindsay, St. Joe's, Toronto
1st Day of (3 weeks worth of) Optifast: Jan. 11, 2017
Surgery Date: Feb. 1st, 2017
Hey Kathy!
I'm in quite a bit of pain yet -- mostly at the site where my lapband port was removed and at the site where I have a drain tube coming out. That one is super tender. I saw our NP this morning for a one week follow up and I'm still draining a lot of fluid so we're leaving the drain in for now. She said it's normal for that area around the tube to hurt. I go in again next Wed so I am hoping by then I'll be able to have that tube out.
Otherwise things are going great. I can walk around, do a little work on my computer, read... I'm not sleeping all day. It snowed here on Monday and today it's finally raining so I'm hoping the packed snow/ice on the sidewalks will wash away so I can go out walking and not worry about falling. I think going for walks out in the fresh air will help me feel better.
I haven't really had much change in taste like others have said -- have you? Fluids go down just fine, yogurt, pureed soups. I just have to watch my blood sugar very carefully because they took me off the Metformin horse pills and now I'll have to inject insulin if my blood sugar gets too high. Glad I don't have any issues with needles. :)
Congrats on the weight loss!! I know mine will go down too. Just hanging in there and working on healing. Trying not to think of solid food!

Band removal & RNY Feb 1 2017
Hi Renee,
I'm sorry you're still having pain too. I'm lucky that I didn't have a drainage tube at all.
My surgeon said my one incision will hurt until the stitches dissolve, and I never thought to ask when that might be, but every day is better and I'm sure by week 2 I'll be loads better.
I don't sleep during the day too; I read, go online, chat with friends, etc. We have lots of snow and ice here, too.
I mostly have premier protein, water, and a cup of chicken broth every day. I was lucky enough to get 5 different flavors of premier protein so I have a nice variety. I think the banana cream is my favorite, followed by strawberries and cream, caramel, vanilla, and lastly chocolate, lol. I am going to try a bit of yogurt tomorrow. Sugar free jello goes down well but I can only have a two spoons and am full.
I haven't had any change in taste food wise, but I've had a horrible taste in my mouth for the past few days, need my water ice cold with ice cubes or it tastes too metallic, and this afternoon discovered my tongue is coated with some grosse white substance. I see my family doctor next week so hopefully it won't get worse before then. I brushed my tongue but couldn't reach the back, so I'm going to gargle with sal****er and hopefully that will help. I wonder if it's the protein shake coating my tongue or if I have thrush? Hopefully it's not thrush.
I don't miss food at all but everyone insists on talking to me about food. My elderly uncle called to see if how I was doing (he's 83) and then spent an hour talking about burgers, fries, and ravioli, lol. He kept listing every food and asking if I miss it, lol.
Luckily, I am quite happy with my shakes and broth and am not missing food. I tried cream soup on day 2 and 3 and couldn't handle them. They also gave me cream of wheat and cottage cheese in the hospital and i couldn't handle those either. I'm going to try cream soup again, maybe tomorrow. Campbells organic chicken soup broth is my favorite so far.

Pre-Op Visit: Jan. 10, 2017, weight 304, surgeon: Dr. David Lindsay, St. Joe's, Toronto
1st Day of (3 weeks worth of) Optifast: Jan. 11, 2017
Surgery Date: Feb. 1st, 2017
Hang in there! I finally started losing weight 2 weeks after surgery (12 lbs) then stopped for 8 weeks! Now, 18 months post-op I am down 210 lbs and getting ready for skin surgery. As far as the depression, I had to go on a liquid version of my Prozac for 2 months post-op due to problems with absorption. It will all be worth it after a while. You just need to hang in there through this rough spot.