Wait 1 year for labs to check vitamin levels???
on 2/5/17 7:23 am
I can't say things against your doctors and I won't. But I will tell you my experience.
I had blood tests a month after surgery. My D had been low before and it was lower now. They increased my D and after retesting it's much better. My A was also low and my vision got a little blurred. I'm on A everyday now and it's better. My cholesterol dropped to 92 and they cut that med in half. I'm 3.5 months out and I'm about to have my 3rd set of blood work up.
I can't say what is normal and what is not; I had my blood drawn at my 3 month post op appointment, and they found my Iron and B1 was rather low, and was advised to start taking more iron and a stand alone B1 supplement. I have to say, I feel MUCH better now that I've been taking it, and am so glad they checked at only 3 months post op. Maybe my iron and b1 were already low before surgery as well, and my center claimed the b1 loss was typical given the vomiting early out, and the fast weight loss. Who knows, but I would ask to have your blood drawn throughout the first year!

RNY w/ Dr. George Fielding @ NYU 10/25/2016
LBL, BL, MASTOPEXY, FLANKPLASTY, BRACHIOPLASTY w/Dr. Joseph Capella @ Hackensack 07/11/2018
Stay tuned!
The tests are expensive. Your insurance probably won't pay for more than one panel a year. I had a sever D3 decency a few Yeats ago and was put on a weekly mega dose and insisted on a re test but was told by the lab it would not be covered. didn't think to ask what in cost, it was just a blood test. It was WNL and ended up costing over $600.
Take your vitamins as instructed. And do plenty of walking as weight bearing keeps your calcium levels up.
This company does vitamin level testing without a doctor's referral:
The prices are reasonable.
Maybe worth your time to find out if your area has what my local clinic has...which is a pay-for-service lab program. The lab has a list of tests I can request without a doctor involved, pay cash in advance, and order and receive findings privately. Following are a few cost examples: Cholesterol $10, Complete Blood Count $15, Ferritin $30, A1C $30, Liver Function $30, Iron $10, Magnesium $10, Thyroid $28, Vitamin B12 $30, Vitamin D 25Hydroxy $70