What's on your Menu today (Monday) RNYers?

on 1/23/17 11:18 am
RNY on 03/13/17

QOTD:  I am definitely more of a night person.  I worked nights for 11 years before I switched to the job I currently have.  I have been working at my job now for 4 years and it is rotating shifts.  I work a two week schedule, but it constantly rotates.  

Week 1:  I work Monday and Tueday (nights 7 PM - 7 AM) then I work Friday, Saturday and Sunday (days 7 AM - 7 PM).

Week 2:  I work only Wednesday and Thursday (nights  7 PM - 7 AM)

The next week would then be Monday and Tuesday but would be days etc..  So after every time I get days off, I switch shifts.  Crazy shift...but it pays well.  I like working days better, but I don't like mornings...lol.  I have to get up by 3:30 and leave my house by 4:30.  I carpool with a friend who works the same schedule but her hours are 6 to 6 and it takes about an hour to get to work.

Today's menu:

Breakfast - Turkey stick and string cheese

Lunch - protein shake w/ fair life fat free milk

Snack - Greek yogurt

Dinner - last of my Mock Spanish Rice

Snack- Turkey and string cheese


Calories - 768,  Protein - 96,  Carbs - 42,  Fat - 23


HW: (9/28/16) 369.8 / SW: (3/13/17) 285 / CW: 162.8

Pre-op loss (6 1/2 Months) - 84.8 pounds

M1 - 17.2, M2 - 17.2, M3 - 13.4, M4 - 15.4, M5 - 13.8, M6 - 13.6, M7 - 10.8, M8 - 9.6, M9 - 5.0, M10 - 2.4, M11 - 3.8

One Bad Beach
on 1/23/17 11:44 am, edited 1/23/17 4:10 am
RNY on 11/28/16

Good day, Menu Family!  It was a super crazy weekend for us!  I'm sorry I didn't get to post on Thursday or Friday for AMAW/CAMAW, but I did a fantastic job not eating anything that wasn't on plan.  I started the week at 209 and was at 205 by Thursday morning.  I've kinda stayed there since, but most of that is water weight, thanks to Aunt Flo! Ugh!  Stock show went really well, and DD got her little pig into the premium sale.  The sale is just a donation, and you get to keep your animal, but you get the $ too.  It really helps when it's time to buy new pigs.  We put the $ into a savings account, and draw out what we need when it's time to go shopping for new animals for the next show season.

QOTD:  I'm both.  I do alright getting up around 5 or 5:30 every morning, and I am usually up until 11 or so if I sit down to watch TV.  I wish I could go to be earlier, but it's just not in my nature.  I don't really talk a whole lot during the mornings, though, which drives DH crazy.  He's a go-getter, bright eyed, bushy tailed, and that drives me nuts!  LOL

Time since RNY: 8 weeks!

Weight this morning: 205 lbs.

B: Cottage Cheese, 4 pork rinds

S: Zero Cal Pink Lemonade

L: Hard Salami Panino

S: Lemonade (I ran out the door this morning because the kids reported that we had a pig that wasn't eating...so, I just threw some stuff in my lunch bag and ran to the barn as soon as I was all ready for work....poor girl, she's a little stressed, but I think she's doing alright.)

D: Steak, A.1.

L/V: on track

E: I haven't had a day off of exercise in five days, so just regular barn chores, then rest.  I am one sore Mama.

S: Jerky, String Cheese 

Have a great week, folks!

ETA this**  While at our stock show this weekend, I spotted my dad across the show barn.  I was waving at him as to say, "hey, Dad! Here we are!"  I finally had to walk across the barn to talk to him....little while later, my mother divulged this little tidbit: Your dad made a comment about how much you have lost: "It's pretty bad when you don't even recognize your own damn kid!  I sure was wondering why that crazy lady was waving so big at me!" LOLOL  Love him to pieces.  Made my heart happy to hear this on the day that I reached 80 pounds down! 


"Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me." --Carol Burnett

RNY 11/28/2016

HW 285 - SW 244

on 1/23/17 12:10 pm

Hi Daisy and menu friends, it's 3 in the afternoon and I'm just posting now. I've been avoiding it cause I'm totally ashamed of my eating this weekend. The thing is I knew exactly what I was doing and I was so sneaky about it. The only person I was hurting was myself. And I was really hurting in pain and did it a few times. Like what the heck is wrong with my head. I was so happy with myself on Friday, felt like was back on track. So far today I've stayed focused and on plan but sneaky thoughts are creeping in my head. So I'm plugging away and thought even though it's late coming here would give me some accountability. 

QOTD : I've been off work for a few years due to health reasons, before that I've always worked midnights. I've always preferred it and managed very well. I'm hoping to go back to work soon, it will be interesting trying to get turned around again.


B 1 egg omlett, 2 oz of ham, 15 gr of cheddar 

L Protein Drink 

D 2. 5 oz of chicken 

S 3 / 4 cup of plain Greek yogurt 

Totals 600 calories. 80 grams of protein 

Have a good day everyone 

on 1/23/17 8:06 pm
RNY on 06/03/15

it's happened to the best of us.  Just get back on track and keep coming back here!!  Participating in this group has really helped me with this!!!

RNY 06/03/15 by Michael Garren (Madison, WI)

HW: 373 SW: 316 GW: 150 LW: 138 CW: 163

on 1/23/17 4:35 pm - Middletown, CT
VSG on 09/28/16

Hi everyone.

I was home from work sick today with a stomach bug. Yuck!!

QOTD: I am a night time person by far! However if I need to get things done early I will get up.

Not much in the way of nutrition today.

Chicken broth with 1 scoop of protein powder. Plenty of water.

Have a good night everybody. 

5'5" HW: 484, SW: 455,CW: 325

Surgeon, Darren Tishler

on 1/23/17 5:13 pm - Ontario, Canada

Good Evening!

Late again.  I really hate having to earn  my pay. LOL

Today was a super busy but good day. Just home from the gym-managed to get 2 classes in.  Feels good to be getting back in control! 

QOTD: I'm a night person. 100%.  I am the same as you Daisy.  I do my best housework in the evening.  I'm just better in the night.  Hmm...that sounds a little dirty in my head.  hehehe.    I'm only a morning person for work.  Oh to win the lotto and retire!!  :)

My menu today was a little over the place.  Basically I hauled things out of the freezer and ate that.  BUT I'm cooking up a storm here now for the rest of the week.

Breakfast: 2 protein bites (homemade) Tea with Restoralax

Snack: Half a protein shake

Lunch: 1 cup of homemade chili

Snack: Budwig deli meat pack. Turkey

Supper:  Currently making pork lion, so will have some for lunch tomorrow as well.

Working again tomorrow night-so trying to plan something for supper.  I'm really trying to stick to CAMAW. I loved how I felt and I need to keep the weight loss going!


Hope everyone had a great day!



RNY January 2015

HW-365 CW-185 GW-160

"Beauty is found within."

on 1/24/17 9:25 am - COLUMBIA CITY, IN

Definately a day person - I can go from 5am and then need bed by 8-9pm.

B: Hot protein drink flavored with 1 ounce of SF Peppermint Paddy syrup

S: 1/2 package of Kay's GF French Vanilla Protein Cereal (I eat it dry)

L: package of Starkist tuna and 1/2 c. organic cottage cheese - mixed them together

S: Carbmaster cherry yogurt

D: Fage 0% unflavored greek yogurt, 1/2 cup pumpkin puree, 1 scoop Bluebonnet Vanilla protein powder, pumpkin pie spice, 2 T. flax seed - mix together and sprinkle cinnamon on top

S: "London Fog" latte - 1 cup skim milk heated, 1 cup Earl Grey tea (hot) and 5 pumps Starbucks SF vanilla syrup

S: cheese and 1/2 serving Lindt Dark Chocolate with sea salt 

Drinking: water, hot tea, and unsweetened ice tea

Calories 1131

Carbs 59 grams

Fluid 160 ounces

Protein 107 grams



Highest Weight 255  * Wt loss includes 19 lb lost before surgery

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