Struggle with buying clothes
I'm still pre-surgery so I don't have a lot of advice right now...but I will say that I'm not a fan of clingy clothes in general, they make me feel uncomfortable. I don't know if this will change, but I suspect it won't because I've never been one for that. I'm hoping I'm happy with t-shirts and jeans, as that's always been my go-to (must be the farm girl in me!)

Banded: 9/14/06
Band Removal: 3/15/17
Revision to RNY: 6/21/17!!!
I'd be unstoppable if not for law enforcement & physics
on 1/18/17 4:59 am
I am a country girl for sure! And I have no desire to wear "sexy" or revealing clothes. But I do want to look as thin as I can. haha And I notice when I wear looser cut tops that don't cling at all, in photo's I still look heavy or at least heavier like my body needs that extra room.
There is a site called Miss Smarty Pants
You fill out a questionnaire and send photos and she will show you exactly what clothes look perfect on you. If you subscribe to the site, each week you get a email showing the latest fashions picked for your body type.
There are links to the site to order the clothes. I started with her about a year before surgery. I was obese, but always had really cute outfits. She gives you dresses, pants, tops, shoes, boots, purse, jewelry hints. Everything coordinates. The clothes are not overly expensive. Some weeks they might be from Target or JC Penney.
Learning how to dress your body properly gives so much confidence. It is really a money saver because you no longer buy clothes that are not well suited to you.

Real life begins where your comfort zone ends
Thanks - I tried it again via the LINK. Doing a GOOGLE search I found it - and perhaps the domain changed?
But here it is --
Going to take a peek at it now =)
Edited to say --- Heck maybe this isn't it - appears to be a personal blog ???
Edited #2 Oh my goodness -- I see my error -- googling took me to Miss Sparty Pants vs "Smarty"
I give up --- sorry for any misleads

I'm right there with you on this. I've been a size 0 or 1 now for over three and a half years but I still can't see myself as that size. I've also struggled with style because as a size 28 I never had any choices and now there are so many. I finally bought some super skinny jeans and hubby says they look great as do friends but mentally I'm not so sure. I took a picture though and there I can see they do look good. Never imagined me in anything that said super skinny that's for sure. Maybe with enough time we'll all see the new size we are.