Pregnancy Post WLS (RNY)
How do you RNY'ers out there combat the pregnancy cravings? I understand gaining weight is normal during pregnancy and I want to make sure that I eat enough to keep myself and baby healthy. My doctor said not to worry about weight gain... I looked at him with a blank stare (and a smile) and said "you cannot tell a bariatric patient not to worry about weight gain?!" He laughed and said that if I gained "too much" he would let me know...
I do not own a scale, and have not for quite some time now. Going out and purchasing one is not an option for me because I do not want to fall into bad habits and being a slave to my scale.
I have been craving carbs and carbonation... what are some things you use to aide with those cravings? Thank you for any advice you can give to this first time prego,...
I am a revision patient and when I had my lap-band... I would weight myself every chance I got. I know I was out of control and it cause me to develop some pretty unhealthy eating habits. I gauge my wellness on a "just out of the dryer pair of jeans"... essentially, by my clothes.
I do my darndest to watch my portion sizes and stick to my bariatric diet... but these cravings are gnarly!!! I find myself mindlessly snacking and it's driving me nuts! I don't notice until it's too late haha
I only weigh myself at doctor's appointments and if I feel there is a problem, my parents have a I have gained about 8 pounds so far, which I know is not a big deal... I just don't want to develop the mentality "you're pregnant, eat for tow, eat what you want...etc" and then have it be so hard to kick those habits after the baby is born...
on 1/17/17 5:25 am
Congratulations on you your pregnancy. That is great to hear.
Get a scale. Regular doctors have no idea about WLS. At least mine doesn't always understand my mentality.
It is okay to get on the scale. I know if I don't I will end up like I did 4 years ago. 322 pounds and very unhappy.
I know myself... it's almost like having a specific trigger food in the house. I got WLS because my willpower is weak, and I needed something bigger than my weakness. This pregnancy is a catch 22 and I know I need to understand that the weight I gain is healthy for the baby, as long as I mainly stick to my WLS diet. I do not go over on sugars at all... and usually stick to my sugar free stuff.
Plus, I do know that I can head to my bariatric surgeons office and hop on the scale if I feel that there may be a problem
I just need some alternatives to carbs for the most part, but don't know if this cravings thing is in my
on 1/17/17 7:32 am
Sleever here, not RNY, but I got pregnant a year post-op.
There's nothing wrong with carbonation, there's no evidence that it'll stretch your pouch. If you want fizzy, go for sugar-free fruit seltzer, I drank that stuff by the gallon!
I decided to "give in" because I craved PB&J, and honestly, having my sandwich helped keep me from becoming a raging preggo-zilla! I set specific limits, in my case one sandwich per 24 hours, and kept on track with protein and water and everything else. Maybe that would be an option?

Sparklekitty / Julie / Nerdy Little Secret (#42)
Roller derby - cycling - triathlon
VSG 2013, RNY conversion 2019 due to GERD. Trendweight here!