Emotional Mood Swings
Its crazy how losing this much weight this quickly can mess with you. I feel like I haven't been this happy in years, and then I crash from it because of how far I have to go, and feeling like I can't express the emotions I'm experiencing just from surgery. I know I need to find someone to talk to, like my old psychiatrist, but I felt like just throwing it out here too. I guess in order to be skinny you have to go a little crazy!
I've been feeling this way for a couple weeks and I'm told it's normal- that our bodies are trying to adjust. I've started keeping a journal to get the feelings OUT. You might want to try it- it's helped me.

So much this! The behaviorist at my clinic gave me a heads up about, and I tried preparing myself and my husband for it, but it's one thing to understand it theoretically and another to actually experience it. I think finding someone to talk through it is a good idea.
in addition to what you described, many of us are also dealing with hormone dumping, especially in the early days. But for me, the biggest challenge was that I can't use food as a distraction from my feelings anymore. It was my go to coping mechanism. So those emotions have to go somewhere else now.
i deeply wished it caused me to become a clean freak. It didn't. Hahaha.
Things that helped me:
logging on here, seeing other people in the same situation is more valuable than I ever would have believed
talking through and acknowledging my feelings
exercise has been hugely helpful
getting a hobbie to keep my head busy.
im four months out, and I have to say I think things have leveled off, for now.

RNY Sept 8, 2016
M1:23, M2 :18, M3 :11, M4 :19, M5: 13, M6: 12, M7: 17, M8: 11, M9: 11.5, M10: 13, M11: 10, M12: 10 M13 : 7.6, M14: 6.9, M15: 6.7
on 1/16/17 7:34 am
I kept meaning to search on this topic. Interesting. I've been a raging AH at times, with a very short fuse lately. Very unlike me and I don't like it. I hope it levels out soon. I was thinking about seeing someone, but waiting as a new to me psychologist is speaking at next month's support group meeting. The one that did my pre-op eval was fantastic, but he ended up being out of network. I ended up footing the whole $200 bill vs. paying $25 copay. It was the only out of network visit, so I had my deductible to meet. Still would have cost me $80 or more after the deductible. So I want to see if this guy and I connect at the meeting.
on 1/16/17 7:52 am
This is so me!!! I feel like I am an emotional wreck. Its like PMS on steroids!!
Hormone dumping is very real, but it probably won't help you at your trial. Ride it out as best you can. It gets better, I promise.
6'3" tall, male.
Highest weight was 475. RNY on 08/21/12. Current weight: 198.
M1 -24; M2 -21; M3 -19; M4 -21; M5 -13; M6 -21; M7 -10; M8 -16; M9 -10; M10 -8; M11 -6; M12 -5.
on 1/16/17 8:42 am
I completely agree that much of the emotional struggle is caused from hormone dumping. However, I'd also like to suggest that additionally, there's a marked loss of coping devices when we undergo bariatric surgery.
For myself, food had always been my go-to. It was a part of all celebrations. Weddings, birthdays, vacations, anniversaries -- revolved around where we would eat or the party that centered around food. It alleviated boredom and comforted me when I was sad or lonely. There's a reason for the trope of a depressed woman with a spoon and a quart of chocolate ice cream, after all. Food was my reward for a job well-done. Got a promotion at work? Let's go out to eat! It was my medicine when I was sick. Food made me feel better. Basically, food had attached itself to every emotion I felt. Therefore, when the option of food was removed, I was left to deal with all my emotions without its connection.
That is a very scary thing.
The truth is that none of us (or most of us) would not have become obese had we a "normal" relationship with food. This is why so many vets talk about the "head" work -- that surgery may deal with our stomach, but doesn't fix our head. A lot of the feelings I had in the beginning were overwhelming because I hadn't dealt with feeling without my drug of choice (food) for a very long time -- if ever.
Don't hesitate to start working on your relationship with food and dealing with your feelings. You are not alone -- so many of us have been there and do understand.

"What you eat in private, you wear in public." --- Kat
Yes. It feels like I am feeling things for the first time in years. Its totally liberating, but also makes me prone to mood swings lol. I am just thankful that (for now) I haven't even wanted to reach for any food. I hope that bodes well to my success in creating a healthy relationship with food from now on.