on 1/10/17 10:22 am
Three years out.
Take Miralax every day. Every. Single. Day.
I actually have a prescription for it. Thus, it is covered by my insurance.
I used to need two capfuls a day -- I am down to one. I added more fat to my diet.
Have also taken Mg with some success, and Colace when desperate. Desperation was usually caused by my belief that I could just stop taking Miralax.
No, I cannot.

"What you eat in private, you wear in public." --- Kat
Ditto what Chassiby said. You are not that far out - at 3 months, you innerds have just healed. Take the Miralax, as you need it. I put a serving in my SF Greek Yougurt every day or 2. Do not push the timetable, but when you are 2+ years out, you will eat a little more food and have enough going to make a more normal size bowel movement going out. At 2 years, I rarely need the miralax but I would not have survived the first 9 months (including 2 weeks hiking and rafting the Grand Canyon) without it.
For now, drink plenty of water and take the miralax. I think that it is better to be on a schedule, than to wait until you are plugged up and then take the miralax.
I find apples over prunes or fresh salads help. I never found prunes effective.
Wow! Glad so many have found relief with Miralax. I've never been a daily pooper, but since surgery, it's been a real challenge. I was doing Milk of Magnesia about every four days, just to keep things from becoming so backed up that it was---awful. I tried Miralax, but had the problem that poop just started sliding out without me being aware of it. Now that's embarrassing! I am 6 and a half months out now, and find that I need MoM less frequently, and am pooping on my own in the morning; first time in my life! I'm sure that is being helped by having more fat that before. Good note on the magnesium, though. I think I want to give that a try too.
Thanks everyone!