Burping like crazy!
ive been burping like crazy ever since this surgery. I chew slowly and take small bites, don't overeat- does this constant burping after eating go away over time? I am burping like a man- loud, pressure burps. Embarrassing.

on 1/9/17 10:24 am
Burping, according to my doctor, is the first sign that you're doing something wrong. It's a minor sign before a stronger reaction like dumping.
He told me that you are either:
>eating too fast
>having liquid with food or within 30 minutes
>eating something you shouldn't
>eating too much
some burping is normal. You just had your insides rearranged. That stuff will go away slowly (did for me).
Then I must be doing a lot wrong! I eat super slow and follow the rules exactly. I measure my food. But any time I eat...no matter what I eat...I burp from my toes. EVERY. SINGLE. TIME.

I'm 8 weeks out and burp like a sailor (not to disparage sailors); but, no matter what I eat or drink, I get the worst burps ever. I did find some improvement by realizing I was swallowing air with my liquids and food. I also have bad sinuses and that causes me to swallow more than usual too. So becoming aware of those things, it was "less" but still horrible.
Two weeks ago my surgeon put me on Prilosec once a day. I'm very glad to say, I don't have the burps like that anymore. I still burp; but, not from my toes like Homer Simpson after a beer.
So try minimizing how much air you swallow and if that doesn't help, talk to your doctor.

RNY on 11/14/2016 -- Miami Valley Hospital, Dr. Siddiqui HW: 302 -- SW: 295 -- CW: 209 -- GW: 145
on 1/9/17 11:35 am
Thanks heavens, that is not a problem I have had much trouble with, good luck on figuring out what is going on. Now nausea and vomiting I can completely agree with.
Four months out today... I burp like a sailor also. I am careful what I eat. I might still eat a little too fast. I do not swallow air when I eat. I do not drink carbonated drinks. But whenever I eat, when I am done I burp like crazy for about 15 minutes, get all the extra air out and then I am good to go. I apologize a lot ;).