What's on your Menu today (PHOTO FRIDAY) RNYers?

on 1/6/17 8:10 am - Brighton, IL

At least you are honest,E,and that goes a long way. One of the best pastors I ever had was oats female who opened herself up and was honest with her sorrows and struggles. I knew I could share and relate with her and my faith grew by leaps and bounds. Current pastor--no so much. Very closed up and don't feel like I even begin to know him after 2 years working closely with him. The sad thing is the church is struggling in large part because of his unapproachability (not sure this is a word but it fits). So the moral of this story is honesty in all things is the best policy. Thank you for being honest.



on 1/6/17 8:17 am - TX
RNY on 10/06/15

Thank you. I actually believe that vulnerability is the only thing I truly can offer to the world that can create change. Being open and vulnerable is not for everyone but if a person feels called to it and can manage it I think it is a very powerful healing tool. Some days I wish I could hide out a bit more because being open is scary and often painful but your encouragement reminds me it is worth it.


PS Bene Brown TED Talk on Vulnerability is pretty much the best thing ever.

Consultation weight: 265, Surgery date: 10/6/15, Goal: 150, Current weight: 129; 5'5, 46 years old

"I am basically food's creepy ex-girlfriend. I know we can't be together anymore but I just want to spend time hanging out" ~me, about why I love cooking so much post WLS

on 1/6/17 1:37 pm
RNY on 06/21/17

I actually have her book queued up to be read, my therapist lent it to me after we talked about my issues with vulnerability.  Thanks for linking the TED talk, I've been meaning to listen to it!


Banded: 9/14/06

Band Removal: 3/15/17

Revision to RNY: 6/21/17!!!

I'd be unstoppable if not for law enforcement & physics

on 1/6/17 6:38 am
RNY on 06/21/17

Awww Deanna - I can relate....I totally fell off the wagon yesterday with pizza for dinner.  We ate cheesy bread....the kind that's loaded with cheese and more cheese and two layers of dough.  Ugh...I feel a tad queasy just thinking about it.  I'd planned on Salmon for dinner, and then Salmon turned into pizza.

I finally went to therapy for BED - and my emotional eating isn't an issue anymore...its when my plan is disrupted that things tend to go off the rails.  Planned to have salmon, pizza option appeared....went with pizza.   I need to really work on saying NO.  I'm certainly better than I used to be, but nowhere near perfect!

The most important thing is that you aren't too hard on yourself as a result....recognize that a mistake was made, dust yourself off - today is another day, and love yourself through it.   It sounds like some cliche coffee mug quote or something...but it's true!  


Banded: 9/14/06

Band Removal: 3/15/17

Revision to RNY: 6/21/17!!!

I'd be unstoppable if not for law enforcement & physics

on 1/6/17 7:00 am - TX
RNY on 10/06/15

I am sitting with you in the corner.  I shoveled two pieces of cornbread and two servings of spaghetti in last night.  The whole time I was thinking, "This is not ok. I shouldn't eat this." and "Quick...quick...before you change your mind."  Like...what the hell is that? Geezum. I would like to think it is the new med I am taking but it feels like it is just my brain being broken. My Guy is home for the weekend starting tonight.  I think that will give me the accountability I need (read that as someone will be watching so I have to act like I have my **** together). We can get through this. I have seen both of us do much better than this and I believe we will win more battles than we lose. We can get through this together. Lots of love to ya.


Consultation weight: 265, Surgery date: 10/6/15, Goal: 150, Current weight: 129; 5'5, 46 years old

"I am basically food's creepy ex-girlfriend. I know we can't be together anymore but I just want to spend time hanging out" ~me, about why I love cooking so much post WLS

on 1/6/17 1:59 pm
RNY on 07/23/14

I am in baby and toddler land over here and just ate 3 chocolate chip cookies... then ate s piece of cheese so it hopefully doesn't hit the quest button. I try to be honest with what aim doing as well just do people don't think you are perfect and it's all unicorns and rainbows because you are at goal. 

Cynthia 5'11" RNY 7/23/2014

Goal reached 17 months. 220lb Weight Loss
Plastic Surgery Dr. Joseph Michaels - LBL and Hernia Repair 2/29/16, Arm Lift, BL, 5/2/16, Leg Lift 7/25/16

#lifeisanadventure #fightthegoodfight #noregrets



on 1/6/17 7:28 am
VSG on 08/01/16

I'm so sorry you are going through this. It's a horrible cycle. I hope that when your husband gets home he can help you gain control back.

Sleeved 8/1/16

HW 285 / SW 276 / GW 160



on 1/6/17 7:45 am - OK
RNY on 05/16/16

I'm at home today, on a slow connection, so I said I wasn't going to respond to any of the posts to save some time...

But I have to stop. Because we all want you to know that we're here for you... that none of us got as big as we did without having an eating disorder... and that all of our issues will surface, in one way or another, over time. 

I know you already know all the cliche's... and I know there's nothing I can say that will change a thing.

But I also know that I'm really so proud of you for standing up to yourself and admitting not only to yourself by putting it down where you can read it, but also admitting to all of us your struggles.

For that reason, I'm positive you'll find your way back, and you'll l make it through this before it's too bad!


Height 5'5" HW 260 SW 251 CW 141.6 (2/27/18)

RNY 5-16-16 Pre-Op 9lbs, M1-18.5lbs, M2-18.1lbs, M3-14.8lbs, M4-10.4lbs, M5-9.2lbs, M6-7lbs, M7-6.2lbs, M8-8.8lbs,M9-7.8lbs, M10-1 lb, M11-.6lbs, M12-4.4lbs

Teena D.
on 1/6/17 12:26 pm - Oshawa, Canada
RNY on 01/12/17

You always know what to say Pammie xoxoxo

RNY Jan 12, 2017 Lost 137 lbs but regained 60.

77 lbs lost and counting!

Losing the regain! I got this!

on 1/6/17 7:55 am

I think it's time to talk to your therapist. Run, don't walk. You know yourself how slippery this slope can be, YOU ARE WORTH IT.

Consult Weight:276/Surgery Day Weight: 241.6 /Goal Weight: 150

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