New Study focusing on post-op gastroentestinal issues
This study was designed to investigate gastrointestinal complaints and food intolerance more than 2 years after LRYGB, and to compare these with complaints and food intolerance in a prebariatric surgery group.
Blurb from Washington Post
Full study report from British Journal of Surgery
From the full study - of about 250 people, only 1 person had severe abdominal pain 2 years post op. This was the same as the control group.
Most interesting to me was that the control group was formed of people who investigated WLS, but did not go through with it. The study did not report on why those people declined to have WLS.
Shows that many RNY 2 year post-op people have food intolerance. The most reported:
Fried products | 75 % | |
carbonated drinks | 70% | |
Cake, pie, pastries | 58% | |
Whipped cream | 52% | |
Chocolate | 48% | |
Red meat | 47% | ) |
Alcohol 39% |
"LRYGB also has a profound influence on tolerance to food. Approximately two-thirds of patients experience food intolerance, with red meat reported most often." Not sure if I would call it "profound" if I couldn't eat red meet, fried foods, or pies - I might call it a helpful food intolerance.
Some report borborygmus ( gurgling and other stomach noises), cholecystectomy (gall bladder removal), dysphagia (difficult swallowing).
The study does report the improvement in co-morbidities such as diabetes, and OSAS - sleep apnea.
Postoperative patients
Before surgery After surgery Controls
Age (years)* | 45·6(9·6) | - | 43·3(11·5) |
BMI (kg/m2)* | 43·2(5·5) | 29·8(4·7) | 43·5(5·4) |
Previous abdominal surgery | 106 (42·6) | - | 129 (43·7) |
Total weight loss (%)* | - | 30·8(8·7) | - |
Hypertension | 111 (44·6) | 53 (21·3) | 111 (37·6) |
Diabetes mellitus | 73 (29·3) | 23 (9·2) | 66 (22·4) |
OSAS | 36 (14·5) | 12 (4·8) | 42 (14·2) |
Smoker | 36 (14·5) | 33 (13·3) | 54 (18·3) |
Net for me: Nothing reported here would change my mind about having RNY.
Very interesting! i want to know the truth, and the fact that this evidence is positive is great. I'm a terrible one for second-guessing my decisions, and all the studies I've read have really served to confirm that RNY was the right call for me. Thanks for sharing this!

Angela, RNY 12/14/16, Frye Surgical Weight Loss
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