What's on Your Saturday (NEW YEAR'S EVE!) Menu, RNYers?
well, I've been below 150 for three days in a row now, so I guess it's official - I'm below goal! (this is actually the third goal I've set - but I think this will be the last - other than to maintain it). I really don't need to lose any more weight, but I'll let my body continue to go if it wants to (after all, I may need some wiggle room for "bounce back", if it occurs...), but if it's ready to stop, then that's fine, too! Very happy at this weight!
QOTD: this has been one of the crappiest years I've ever had - dying parent, husband losing his job, big decline in our income (due to husband losing his job), BIL having a stroke and a heart attack within a few months of each other, nasty politics - and then, that horrible election. Some days I just want to crawl under a rock for the next couple of years, or move to New Zealand. But then, there's the weight loss. I have succeeded beyond my wildest dreams. At the beginning of this journey, I stated I would have been over the moon to reach 200 lbs - never would I have ever guessed in a million years I'd be at 149! My weight loss has been one of the few things this year I felt I actually had some control over, and it was easy to focus on because I didn't want to focus on all the other (crappy) things that were going on. My improving health and my weight loss made me really happy!!
19 months out
B: homemade plain Greek yogurt with 2 T homemade cranberry sauce
S: coffee with half & half, SF protein Miralax/mocha latte
L: probably a small piece of leftover bariatric-friendly lasagna
D: leftover Moroccan-style beef stew that I made in my Instant Pot last night
exercise - I did a long "yoga immersion" workshop yesterday. Maybe weights today??
Loving my new Instant Pot! Can't wait to use it again - looking for more recipes today!!
P.S. It would be remiss of me not to mention that getting involved in the OH community, esp on this menu board, has been a highlight of my year as well. I feel like I've become part of some big family. Plus a few of you have become Facebook friends, and I've even met NYMom in person! You all have become a big part of my life, and I'm so glad I got involved (rather than just lurking, which is pretty much all I did before this year!)
on 1/1/17 4:51 am
Woot for below goal! You really look amazing and it's clear you have been working hard for those last pounds! Congrats! For me, maintenance has the hard part, so don't lose your focus and determination!
You and Hillary are killing me with the instant-pot recipes. As soon as I get my damn house rented I am getting one and then I expect you all to give me a zillion tried and true recipes, okay!?
Happy New Year's Eve to my Menu Family and wishing you all a very Blessed 2017!
QOTD: Definitely my RNY surgery and losing 95 pounds so far has been the best thing about 2016! Also, adopting our two new dogs, Tippy, Chihuahua and Blossom, Golden Retriever mix has been another highlight of our year. Losing our two 15 year old dogs, Buddy and Dolly, was sad, but they both lived long, happy lives and I am thankful that we had them. I am thankful that my daughter graduated from college and I'm happy that she is still living at home (for now). Life is good!
B: crepe w/ peaches & cream cheese
L: lettuce, spinach, chicken, cheese, cranberries & nuts, low cal dressing
D: chicken & wild rice soup
S: light n fit Greek yogurt
S: Mr. Cheese O's or Moon cheese
Exercise: Taking Blossom for a walk around the subdivision
Have a wonderful New Year's Eve and a FANTASTIC 2017 everyone!
~ Karen

on 1/1/17 4:52 am
I watched Legally Blonde yesterday and thought of Tippy, every time Bruiser came on screen :) Do you dress Tippy up in little outfits? I would not be able to resist...