Cover story
It wasn't accusatory. More if a think about it. Be the change you want to see in the world.
To repeat myself "if you can't I can respect that"
Just think it's an important discussion.
Referral TWH: Sept 2015 Orientation: Nov 2015 Social Worker: Jan 2016 Nurse practitioner: Feb 2016 Nutrition (group): Mar 2016 Nutritionist: May 2016 Psych: May 2016 Meeting with Surgeon: July 2016 Surgery!: Nov 2016
So far 80 pounds lost!
A few ideas..
- Get a plate, put some food on it, sma**** in the plate as if you had more but ate it...Dump the food when nobody is watching.. Leaving some on the plate..
- Just tell them you recovering from a food poisoning...And really can't eat any food..But need to drink a lot.. just not alkohol..
- You had really large lunch and dinner and you not hungry now..You will have some later...
- You no longer eat food after 7 or 8 pm.. Doctor orders -gerd..
Any of the above...
For some people that are really pushy when they bring food they make - and would not listen to "no, thank you" ..if I am forced to "try a bite" I would take a bite...Try to chew it...Make a "this taste bad" face..Spit the food on a napkin as they are watching..Tell them "sorry...If is not my thing..I really don't like it". ..This also would be THE last time they try to push the food on me...He he he...
Hala. RNY 5/14/2008; Happy At Goal =HAG
"I can eat or do anything I want to - as long as I am willing to deal with the consequences"
"Failure is not falling down, It is not getting up once you fell... So pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and start all over again...."
What you tell is entirely your own decision. I would be inclined, if asked, to say something like, "Oh, don't worry about me. I'm fine!" If someone were rude enough to ask again, I'd look at them calmly and say, "Why are you so curious about this?" It's a polite reply that should get them to stop and think about what a weird thing it is to badger another adult about food.

Angela, RNY 12/14/16, Frye Surgical Weight Loss
"I've got friends, and I've got family. I've got help from all the people who love me." --Mavis Staples
I believe in sharing my story with the people I choose to share it with. I did, however, decide, like you, that not everyone in the world needed to know what I was about to put myself through and that if they had questions for me post-op, I would be obliged to answer them.
Since on liquid only, tell them that you had a dinner reservation with another friend prior to coming to the party, you're not hungry, the colonoscopy thing, too. Tell them what you want to, and don't feel bad about not telling a gossip all of your personal information and decisions about your health.
Everything will come out in the wash when you're ready for it to.
For example, I don't see a lot of the people that I work with on a daily basis. They have a field job, and I have an office job. Yesterday, one of the field personnel came in for some help with his tax statements. He asked me if I had been ill. I said, "no, sir. Why?" His response was, "It looks like you've lost a lot of weight." I said, "Yes, sir, thank you for noticing." And that was that.

"Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me." --Carol Burnett
WOW! Honestly????
Looks like you have lost a lot of weight???
Have you been ill?!?!?! What the heck ?
People are quite honestly stupid!
I would have said that you look great!
Congratulations on your weight loss!
Roux En Y - Jan. 4, 2017
HW 283 SW 260 CW 165
As a strong woman with opinions, but not gossipy(!), I'd tell her the truth.
"I'm on a very strict diet, Dr's orders, but didn't want to miss the party. You can have my share."
If she isn't satisfied with that just smile until she stops talking/asking questions. You don't owe her anything.